Sunday, May 31, 2009

Road Trip : San Francisco Day 2

F r i d a y , M a y 2 9 , 2 0 0 9
After closing out Monday night in rough fashion...we kicked things off by stopping by SELF EDGE just down the street from our spot to say hello to Kiya and the gang. As always, it's a great shop featuring some nice denim and workwear that's just a bit too anti-2006 camo shorts/streetwear tee/gaudy shoes for me -- but I've always loved the place.

Check out these Flat Heads...*impressive*....

Then on a great recommendation from the crew...we hit up Pearl's Burgers off Jones/Post.

Absolutely now adding this to my list of *must eat* spots in SF.

We all had the Kobe beef burgers -- AMAZING.

Dude runnin' the joint was nice as hell too. Great spot.

After checking out Darkside Initiative...we wanted to swing by Coit Tower to get what's allegedly the best look at the city....
This'll do...somewhat....I'm standing on a garbage dumpster.
Then we headed down to Haight Street to hit some spots. TRUE is definitely the Compound of SF.


[Disclaimer : THESE ARE REAL TEES.]
And I'm actually mad I didn't grab this.

How unreal is this tee?
TRUE also has a sister sneaker store next door...
Obviously we didn't buy anthing. But I def got love for the shop cause they carry the mag!
Then Ira wanted to check out RVCA. I wasn't too keen on it, but I was impressed by what I'd label the most overdone waiting area I've ever seen.
Checked out Shoebiz next, which has a 2nd floor that's entirely dedicated to adidas was pretty impressive and well laid out...but that Jeremy Scott shit is wild as hell...
After checking out HUF on Hayes...they suggested we run across the street for some good pizza to catch Game 4 of the Cavs/Magic series. My good friend I grew up with that I haven't seen in 3 years, Kristin, joined us for the night. She loves sports, fought a UFC match, and at the end of the night danced on a mini-stage at the Beauty Bar. All of the guys approved.
Mikey's boy Che joined us as well. This guy can Swag Surf like no other.
And then basically this set the tone for the night....hit Bender's after and closed the night out at Beauty Bar...can't wait to be back...


Friday, May 29, 2009

Road Trip : San Francisco Day 1

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Keith, Mikey, Ira and I hit San Francisco the past few days. Left PDX at 7pm on Sunday and pulled into the Capital City around 4amish and crashed at my mom's place....

Made it to SF a few hours later Monday morning...checked into the spot and were off to see the city....Ira's first time in SF. (Somehow?)

Skechers thanks soccer moms nationwide. TWO STORY flagship.....
This place is impressive every time. Too bad the stores are everymallamerica.
Tried on the AnswerXII...surprisingly a damn comfy shoe...gonna have to grab a pair soon...

Felt a bit softer than these...but I made it through Monday/Tuesday in 'em...

(Shout outs to the kid that stopped me on the street to tell me I was crazy for wearing $1000 Marty McFly Hyperdunks...)
Apparently in the depths of the mall there's an upscale food court. (Thanks for the recommendation Jenny.) Being that I exclusively eat a meal that involves the phrase "double orange chicken" when in a mall setting...I was a bit thrown off....but the tri-tip sandwich & salad were withstandable I guess.
We had a photoshoot planned for 2:30 w/ the Bay kids from the SC Forums so we had to get a move on it. Ira didn't go for the 3-More-Stellas-Beforehand spirit that guy...
Keith held it down with the photos....which'll be in the upcoming August Issue...
About 20 or so heads came through...but for some reason these 2 dudes on the left got all WDYWT'd out and got shy once the time came to get a I made sure to catch them in an awkward candid pic instead....GOTCHA!
Threw everyone some issues for putting up with us...
Meanwhile...across the street was one of our Forums' longtime collectors, Joe, who was ALREADY in line for the MVP VI and Tan Yeezys....

This was on MONDAY. He also had the most impressive line chair I've ever seen. It fully reclined and had a built-in head pillow. Dude is a pro.

Sending some stuff his way for sure...that's just straight dedication...
Then had to check out Niketown...apparently aka THE OFFICIAL HOME OF STREETWEAR....

If that Ira character still did those insanely popular Streetwear Grading Systems you'd get more joy out of the three above photos...but keep your fingers crossed and maybe you'll get a joyous surprise this weekend....

From there we caught the Nuggets/Lakers game at some overpriced joint called Cha Cha Cha's down the street from us and hit the bar world tour of the Mission District...

I'm telling you Ira...tequila is TERRIBLE.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day: Armadillos & Shit

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Just like Nick said I've been "off in New Mexico shooting up armadillos & shit . . . with Yeezys on". It's always nice to get back Home to the Southwest when I get a chance. I celebrated Memorial Day with family & friends in Moab, Utah. I think Mikey's Jeep has a Moab sticker on it . . . Mikey + Mormons, I can't see that working out well.

A great weekend overall (with Yeezys on here and there) Rafting, Hiking, & . . . . 4-wheeling!

The weapons of choice, fam's Rubicons!


A little game of follow the leader

. . . with lots of concentration


Um . . . road?
Side View

I tried to convince JT to bring his Porsche Cayenne & on second thought I'm glad he chose not to . . .


Hope everyone else had a great Holiday weekend.


Friday, May 22, 2009

Charles Hamilton: Gets Punched!

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This girl throws a mean right cross and catches CH ill on the chin. This took place in the middle of an impromptu battle where she basically breaks up with him and he responds by calling out she had to have an abortion. @ about 2:25 she clocks him one. I guess there is something about them "Brooklyn Girls."


thanks to Vulkan

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Good Kind of Hectic....

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I guess you could say it's been a quiet week here. It's been pretty hectic for most of us -- but the good kind of hectic. The busy kind. (Mixed a bit with the relaxing kind too.)

Cam is off in New Mexico shooting up armadillos or some shit. With Yeezys on...

JT has been busy getting his new house all tricked out, keepin' at it with the sketches and rooting Melo along...

Dane is living the dream and closing out yet another term...

I just wrapped up another issue for SC that should be droppin the first week of June, and I'm happily getting back into the groove of knocking out some reviews for the web too. Don't say I didn't warn you when you see the Subscriber's cover...

And Keith and Ira are busy prepping for their live custom showcase all weekend long down at the adidas Originals store here in Portland. Taking place on Saturday & Sunday at the 10th & Couch St location, the fellas will be puttin' in work from 2-7 PM for your viewing pleasure. Be sure to check out the craft and skill up close and in person.


And after putting in some work all week long, we'll be headed down to San Francisco for a few days to enjoy ourselves...'nothin like the Bay.

- Nick

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Damn Kanye . . .

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This video shows two things . . .
1. How over hyped a shoe can get (I still like them don't get me wrong), &
2. How badly Kanye sucks at singing, these guys blow him out of the water.

Here we come June 6th.


Mos Def's New Video!

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Mos Def - "Casa Bey" - The Ecstatic - 6.9.09


Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Premium Launch Recap

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First in line!
Where were you at DQ?
BOTH are fake...
Sucks to be the SECOND guy to show up with Playstation 360/90s on...

Womp womp for Retrokid.....

Thanks to everyone who came out!

Pics by Ira (the bad ones) & I....

- Nick