S a t u r d a y , S e p t e m b e r 0 5 , 2 0 0 9
For those that don't know, Magic is the twice yearly trade show for streetwear and a ton of clothing in general. Basically if you work for a shop, it's the place to check out all your store's lines at once. It also doubles as a train wreck for anyone who thinks they have swag.
New base camp this year (props to the AK guys), luckily it was directly across the street from the nearest Ross.

Definitely had to hook the purple name tag up with the purple shoes. It was asking for it.

Yeah, two pics. THE HOOK-UP WAS THAT GOOD.

The calm before the storm. I was there obscenely early and had just about all my appointments on Tuesday (over nine hours at three different trade shows). That's not what's up.

Limited edition T-shirt and matching laces: targeting the consumer who can't stand to have only one garment with music-note-dollar-signs on it.

Two meetings in for me, this booth is completely empty and has strands of scotch tape around it. Somebody's intern wasn't about to have a good day.

Pat Liberty showing the Akomplice line for probably the tenth time that day.

The man, the myth, the legend dropped by the Akomplice booth
minutes before I did. Good trip but Eric Glennie woulda made it that much better...

After Magic I hit Project (to check out the most ridiculous collection of hot chicks assembled in one place) and Capsule (to check out streetwear). Capsule was WAY bigger than last time and definitely appears to be the future destination of streetwear.

Hittin the airport, I saw my dude shutting shit down.
