So we (ATC . . . Keith & Ira) had an interview in the March issue of Portland Monthly. It just hit news stands so pick it up Portland!

-Side note, we're not sure if the article sparked the News segment but from what I understand they found our myspace and then saw the article.
Our dude Cam took some behind the scenes pics of the interview we had earlier Wednesday with a local news crew!

Its a team B.O.P. effort at all times here's NDP at his best! The news segment took place at Just Be/Compound Gallery in THE ROSE!

Heres the Interview I guess it's being aired in other states on affiliate stations too! I'll update as I find out more. So far I've gotten some calls from Seattle about it airing.
View the Seattle clip @
- ABOVE THE CLOUDS (proud? Member of The B.O.P.)
1 comment:
Big Ups! LMAO @ the Hot Dog shoe... Freestyled that one off the dome didn't you... hahaha.
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