I don't really know how to break it to you, but there's a new 50 cent video game coming out and it's called 50 cent: Blood on the Sand, because--wait for it-- it takes place in the middle east.
At one point in the game you can fly a helicopter via holding a gun to the pilots head. This is not that point.
No 50's not mindlessly killing terrorists, he's killing everyone in the hunt for his stolen diamond encrusted skull(think Romancing the stone). Luckily, this "jewel" of a game(ahaha!) will feateure a two player drop-in style, so you can play as your favorite G-unit member:Lloyd Banks, Tony Yayo or DJ Whoo Kid(No information was available if it'll feature "Bang'em Smurf").
Also of interest(?), Blood on the Sand uses the Gears of War cover system...I'm not quite sure what that means, but I think it means Young Buck will not be unlockable.
NBA's Greatest commercials: Honorable mentions!
The Sonics continue their vicious eastern European marketing campaign.
Not really an ad, but still amazing. I give you...
Masha Fea. Andrei
Source: Niketalk
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
There will be blood(on the sand)
Monday, April 28, 2008
We're moving buildings this week at work. Not teh awesome.
I just got a new hat though. From Japan. It's HOT.
That's about all that's been going on.
Customer of the Week!!!
This time around the customer of week is a little bit different. Instead of focusing on poorly chosen outfits(although, he had one) or mental aptitude(he had none), we'll focus on an area that plagues many of Compounds customers: a total lack of dignity!
CUSTOMER OF THE WEEK: Suburban white kid desperate for creditability!!!
I know you can't really see him, but this kid, armed with moms credit card and sans dignity, showed what living in the 'burbs is really about: A desperate struggle for credibility while simultaneously arguing with your mom via Iphone about how much you can spend.
He did buy two recently reviewed Nike tees(giving him a median average of 6.875 on the streetwear scale), and ponder whether the pink on the shoes and hoodie matched(they didn't), along with many other mind numbingly inane questions.
I usually feel conflicted when people buy this stuff. I don't have to look at it any more, but someone has to own it...you could even call it a feeling of guilt. But not this time.
Oh, and for the record I told him the pinks did match.
Ira: 1
Suburbs: 0
Update: Warrant out for Isaiah rider(not that that's unusual or anything...)
Yep, Zaya didn't show up for his arraignment this morning.
Source: TMZ
Jay-Z jabs at The Invisible Man...
With the recent events surrounding DeShawn and LeBron, it was only right for Hova to jump on his boy's back. Apparently Caron Butler went out to the clubs and this was playing. It's a wrap for the Invisible Man. It's also a pretty cool LeBron mix...
What the damn happened to Talaria Hype?
Good lord....I had been watching this auction progress over the past few days...and when I awoke this morning to find it at over $200 I didn't think much of it.
"It's an OG. From '97. It really was over 10 years ago."
I guess I was secretly hoping they ended at the least over $225 since Nike's latest lack of creativity AF1 hybrid retailed as astronomically high.
But really.....$400+?
For an admittedly hot runner that could barely catch $150 a year ago...and that the seller so flawlessly described as having "2 small spots on the right shoe at each side on the white mesh just where it meets the yellow with the laces," doesn't it seem a bit high?
I guess the moral of the story is this:
There's a Talaria Retro on the way. There you go.
Just like the OG Neon colorway...the Neon toe is still there....but a large portion of the midfoot cradle is now black, and there's metallic silver piping too. And they're DEAD SEXY. Dare I say it? Even hotter than the OG.
So yeah...go drop some multi-hundreds on that next pair on ebay....or just wait around for the Retro and Zoom95 it like me when you can get each pair for $65.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
You want me to give any amazing free things?!
And now the greatest ad in NBA history. Sometimes Less is more.
OUTLET REPORT: Argon blue/zest Jordan XI le's have finally arrived. Carry on.
PLC . . . Poor Life Choices
I just got back from a trip to the Oregon coast/beach with a couple friends. On the car ride home I heard my new favorite term that I will be adding to my usual vocab. It also made me think of a new blog topic I will be occasionally covering. We already critique Fashion choices . . . why not critique Life Choices?
PLC (or Poor Life Choice) is a term that is used to describe a stupid decision you make that could have a detrimental effect on your life. More than just an accident or mishap; examples could be having a party and getting ticketed for serving minors . . .
picking up your next girlfriend at TOM's Sports Bar . . .
getting a butterfly tattooed on your face.
This was mentioned when one of my friends ran into a guy she used to "date" at the beach, and she stated "He was really a PLC."
So I bring to you my new Blog Topic: PLC's
PLC 1: Right near the beach . . . boy!
Drinking, Sunbathing, and parenting . . . at the same time!
Oh if babies could talk "Thanks for taking me to the beach mom . . . all the girls at day care loved my new tan . . . OK sunburn and future skin cancer!" This lady was 100% passed out already 2 cans of CL deep and her baby was getting a little crimson. Child protective services . . . ?
I somehow feel the need to e-mail this to Jeff Foxworthy as it would make a great "You might be a redneck joke" punchline . . . the fact that it actually encompasses getting a red neck . . . ,too good to be true
All in all the beach was a good time . . . maybe a little excessive drinking but no PLC's on my part!
2:15 pm shots all around!
Side note:
A couple weeks old . . . Brought to you from Starbucks on 35th and Powell . . . Keith & Ira here is My new excuse when I don't want to take out the trash at home.Just put up a broken please don't use sign . . . cause that takes so much less effort than just emptying the trash . . . WTF?
Saturday, April 26, 2008
This year is the best year ever!
This is the second best video ever associated with the NBA. Join me tomorrow as I finish my countdown of the top 2 greatest NBA ads. Streetwear reps could learn a thing or two about hawking products from these guys.
Starring Larry Legend as Ricky Bobby
Also: How are you prepping yourself for the return of the future king of the NBA? If you thought, "I haven't been prepping at all," then get acquainted with the many faces of Tim Duncan. Unlike the championship returning to the Riverwalk, anti-Spurs guys will love the link.
Source: Basketbawful, Empty the Bench
Friday, April 25, 2008
I feel a sweeping sensation. (no Dirk)
Portland State basketball's fun lovin' point guard and center have officially been reinstated as part of the team.
Jeremiah Dominguez and Scott Morrison were involved in an incident down Mexico way over spring break, Mexico's legal situation being what it is they were let go soon after the incident and returned home.
AD Torre Chisholm said, "there was no evidence and no reason for us to continue the suspensions. I think it's a shame for them."
Morrison said he and Dominguez came back together by around 2 A.M. to the house they were staying at in Cabo. the victim said he was punched around 2:45 A.M.
Interestingly enough, their three housemates gave a different timeline of the night's events, saying Morrison and Dominguez didn't come home together.
Source: The Oregonian
Critiquing Nike's new apparel line (THE REMIX)
As astute streetwearriors I'm sure you need no introduction to the magic that is Nike's quickstrike Air Force One tees. Marvel at their April Delivery.
Round two! Let's get it on!
Livin Color
At first you might think, "wow this tee is about as streetwear as it gets." That's why I'm here. Lets delve a little deeper into the issue. How many colors did they screenprint (answer: all of them)? Streetwear is about cost effectiveness. I mean, they reappropriated the graphic (good), but it would be better if it said something catchy like "Living in Ones." I hear "living in gang colors" is popular, too. Only one company has done that, so it's free game.
Lack of creativity: 9
Gaudiness: 9
Cost effectiveness: 2
Reappropriation: 8
Overall streetwear scale grade: 7/10
Excessive Force
Is it a weirdly flipped Run DMC logo? I really hope so, since they've got even less to do with AF1's then In Living Color does. But that might be wishful thinking. It looks like it's patent leather, too. Enough talk about what's wrong with this tee, lets talk about what its got going for it: it'll match your jordans. BUT THERE'S ONE CATCH. It's an Air Force One tee, so mandated by streetwear law you cannot wear it with Jordans. BUT THERE'S ANOTHER CATCH. It looks like a Run DMC logo, SO YOU CAN'T WEAR IT WITH AIR FORCE ONES.
Lack of creativity: 7
Gaudiness: 7
Cost effectiveness: 8
Reappropriation: 5
Overall streetwear scale grade: 6.75/10
To Live and Die
This is it people, The crescendo of streetwear. This is what makes streetwear streetwear. A dead rapper's song title, a shoe reference, huge block letters and a fade print. Somewhere A-ron is crying a single tear.
Lack of creativity: 8
Gaudiness: 9
Cost effectiveness: 8
Reappropriation: 9
Overall streetwear scale grade: 8.5/10
The B.O.P. Presents: Vancouver Stimulus Trip!
That's right.....just when the US Government goes and gives us each $600 to help our struggling economy....fuck that we're going to Vancouver to blow it all at the bar. If it comes down to dancing...I just might break out the Big Country in honor of the city's number 1 legend.
The exact weekend is still TBD...but keep in touch if interested....as the B.O.P. will be certainly stimulating the entirety of Vancouver soon. (pause?)
And for even better news....your Stimulus check will be coming sooner than expected! Originally announced to start arriving May 2nd...it looks like April 28th for some of us.
Just check this simple grid by the last 2 digits of your SSN to determine your approximate receive date. Mine ending in 17 FTW!
Direct Deposit:
Last 2 Digits of SSN | Date Check Will Be Sent |
00-20 | April 28 |
21-75 | May 5 |
76-99 | May 1 |
Last 2 Digits of SSN | Date Check Will Be Sent |
00-09 | May 9 |
10-18 | May 16 |
19-25 | May 23 |
26-38 | May 30 |
39-51 | June 6 |
52-63 | June 13 |
64-75 | June 20 |
76-87 | June 27 |
88-99 | July 4 |
Looks like around the first weekend in May IT'S ON!
- Nick
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Adidas Mutombo: First Look
Adidas has finally chosen to retro the greatest thing to ever grace the feet of Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean-Jacques Wamutombo. The retro stays pretty true to the original in most aspects(a few minor things are slightly different), but leaves off his signature detailing. Deke's currently a Nike guy, no doubt the reason you see the trefoil on the lateral collar and tongue instead of his branding.
Currently there are no plans to retro these.
-- Ira
Thug Boss Clothing: A Preview
I was recently alerted to Thug Boss(unfortunately not by I.G. design) clothing or as they have poorly acronym-ed themselves "TGB$". As I looked for anything on their site that remotely resembled a mission statement I stumbled upon this Nietzsche-like quip, "Money is the motivation".
First, lets take a step back and look at the wonder that is "Thug Boss"(see what I did? I threw you into the middle of the action and then pulled you right back out. That's how we do it in the big leagues). This being their first season they don't have to adhere to the strict guidelines of the streetwear grading system(kinda like GEM, but for crappy tee shirts instead of your Adonal Foyle jersey card). I present the best(?) of "The Now Collection":
"Crack Rock Rich"
Yes, I know. They've managed to bastardize a classic cartoon that their target audience will barely be able to make a connection to and sing the praises of a violent and ruthless drug that has plagued the black community for a quarter century...I guess the super hero is Freeway Ricky Ross, then?
Thug Boss:1
Communities torn apart by the crack epidemic:0
"Sold Soles"
What makes a true Thug Boss, you might ask. Two things: Dunk SB's and anarchy. So what better way to show your love for limited edition sneakers and upheaval of the government system then by combing the two! OMG, it matches Grape VIII's!
"Big Bank"
"Big bank takes little bank is an old hood game that trained you to keep big dough on you. The person with the biggest bank got more by taking yours. Now, THUG BOSS wants to play the world."
Kay, I guess this one keeps with the themes of Thug Bossery and Money as the motivation. It comes in white and black, two colors that any thug worth his salt has hanging in his closet. Hmm, maybe I'm not that good at this...
I could be wrong(I'm not) and Thug Boss is a pretty good line(it isn't) or maybe I just don't understand the struggle from whence TBG$ came and, maybe, I just don't fit into their target demogr-HOLD ON THESE ARE FROM THEIR LOOKBOOK?! AND THATS THEIR OWNER!?! WITH A X-MEN ON HIS SHIRT!? THE SMART ONE TOO? NOT WOLVERINE? OMG NOT THUG!
Always remember kids, Money is the Motivation.
Ugh..(that was an exasperated ugh, not a thuggishly Master P elongated ugghh, either)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Step your Backpack game up....
I picked up something other than shoes (surprise)...and I'm pretty hyped about it.
New backpack for the road.
Black Label X'Lite.
- Nick
(ok...i'm suspended from posting for a bit...Ira...who the hell is the Customer of the Week anyways?)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
SoleCollector.com RE-UP
That's right...the new site is up and runnin...and the Nike Olympic 2008 Footwear story is leading off the launch. There's also new features/stories/shoes and videos.
Keep checkin back as I'll be posting tons of stories online soon.
Oh yeah -- Check out our big announcement too.
- Nick
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Just in case you haven't heard this one before... Killa Cam proves why he deserves your respect.
This might be one of my favorites.
We at the hot dog stand/she make my hot dog stand
- Nick
Nike Olympic Media Summit : Day2
So Day1 wrapped up after a 13 hour day...and I was right back up at 6:45 the next morning to do it all over again.
Thank god I've been gettin in a groove of wakin up at 9 to start puttin in work....but 6:45 is too damn early.
For the day we were slated to hit up a tour of the Nike Sports Research Lab (NSRL)...then hit up the Lance Pool and interview some swimmers and then talk to some
people in apparel.
Indeed we hit up the NSRL first...and it was awesome they let us take pics cause EVERY TIME I've been in there they make guests sign a waiver of confidentiality and strictly don't allow photos...sure enough...our first stop involved a look at Nike's high speed camera set-up where they test "the world's most elite athletes."
After seeing Killa Cam blow up the spot...we swung over to the Gravity-reduction machine that is WILD.
All you do is enter the runner's weight and specifics and then enter a body weight percentile into the computer...and the machine adjusts accordingly. Treadmill x Technology collab. No wonder NordicTrack isn't poppin off anymore.
Dude weighs about 150 lbs...but while running he's only carrying 105 or so here. The machine pretty much engulfs his lower half and is able to reduce the gravity in the bag...resulting in him feeling less force. Mid-run the lab researcher hits it down to 50%...and the runner described it as feeling practically weightless while running. Pretty interesting.
Nike is CRAZY with it. Pretty much they can see at a low impact somebody's footstrike or if you're coming back from injury and want to slowly rehab -- this machine can help you out as well.
Next we headed over to the running motion capture area.
The lovely Kim did a quick mock run.
Here's the instant transfer test screen showing her footstrike impact forces.
Zoom Victory is HOT. (Hard to screw up a grey fade/neon colorway)
Then got to check out the insane Pre-Cool Vest in motion...
Bounced after that but walked by a row of materials...neon patent...Cement print rolls...black nubuck...I know...I know...all the makings for a future JordanFusion....
Instead of headin over for the Swimmer/Apparel interviews...we got swept away upstairs to the Hoops floor and saw a bunch of stuff I can't talk about. Always good seein the crew up there.
Then we hit up the Employee Store. Broke down and picked up the Spiridon AF1's and of course my standard 3 pairs of Elite Structure Base Layer Footwear Socks...and snapped a terrible sniper pic of these hot Duke Kobe III's. Some guy named Hiroshi Fujiwara was there too. His jeans were diamond studded. He would.
From there I got to go home and catch an hour nap...and then met up with the fellas downtown and we got treated to an amazing dinner at El Gaucho. My birthday was a few days later....but I'll consider this my birthday dinner. Amazing Filet + seasoned crab + lobster mashed potatoes + jack/cokes + spicy shrimp + portobello...OVER THE TOP.
We then got box seats to the Laker/Blazers game....
Kobe is a got damn beast. Dude COASTED the first 32 minutes and finished with 34/5/5. If it wasn't for Gasol and Odom combining to care less than Sheed EVER perhaps they would have had a chance.
Highlight of the night?
Definitely Greg Oden getting the most action since his 24Hour Fitness stint...shooting off foam balls (.....) into the crowd during a 4th Quarter timeout.
- Nick