Wednesday, April 2, 2008

See...we're not weird...we're 'LEADERS'....

[For the full article -- Check HERE]

Well...what we've known all along to be true has just been scientifically proven.

The B.O.P. is filled with savages.

Brilliant minds. Industry leaders. Assertive, Innovative, and Spontaneous.

Some Gems:
"Got a passion for buying sneakers? It could be a good sign, with a poll finding that people who buy three pairs of sneakers or more a year are far more likely to be a leadership type than other people.

"People who buy more than three pairs of sneakers a year are 61 percent more likely to have the qualities of a modern leader."

Since we're known to do Chamberlain-type numbers...that means we're 734% more likely to be a modern leader...which roughly translates into us being the equivalent of a Lombardi/Wooden/Phil Jackson/Auerbach Fusion Pack.

Don't get any ideas Jordan Brand.

- Nick

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