Here at the B.O.P bullpen we recently received an e-mail stating that we have attempted to pass a lil' list of Sabonis life-isms off as our own:
Hello,I went ahead and edited some of the rather coarse and jarring content of the letter, so our reader won't have to be exposed to the same abuses of the English language that I was.
My name is John Lapides. I really enjoyed your article on about Arvydas Sabonies [sic]. ( As I read through the "Sabonisisms" they seemed vaguely familiar, then I realized, you didn't write [expletive deleted]. Those sayings were created by me, my friends, and a dedicated group of Sabonis enthusiasts who comprise the Arvydas Sabonis group on [networking website]. If your heart was as pure as Sabonis' [it is], you would give credit to those deserving [I could]. If your [sic] in the group, I salute you, but I know for a fact that the original 4 personally wrote the first 13 Sabonisisms on your list, so please give the group credit. If your [sic] not in the group, either join or stop pawning [expletive deleted] as your own.
Take it ease [nh?],
First of all John, I'd like to thank you for enjoying the article on The B.O.P., I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it (ZING!--but seriously...I didn't write it...). What we have here is a misunderstanding, which is a rather common occurrence when dumbfucks e-mail you.
Nowhere in the original do I pawn the work off as my own, because--stay with me John--I didn't write it (although you infer if I was in the group it would be ok to pass the list off as my own, crazy kid).
I originally had the list sent to me by a friend, but unfortunately, as many are wont to do, he forgot to source his e-mail (womp womp!) and I decided against using him as a source (hey, we're a credible news site).
But John has shown me the error in my erroneous ways, so here's to you Jake. You're now a verified news source. Of course, John's group could've honed in on glory by sending me any sort of link to themselves.
I'm feeling a bit merry today, so I'll tell you what I'm going to do for you, John. I'm gonna make you a bonafide source. Bonafide.

"Cheers to John!"
Take it ease.
Source: John Lapides (
This guy Ira steals mad stuff I was the one who originally sent the list to him from my friend (Jake) who sent it to me. I also informed him we should source it. This guy is all over the place, I'm with John Lapides on this one just join the group!!!!!!
Will there be shakeups amongst the B.O.P. group?
Stay tuned next week for the stunning conclusion that is The B.O.P.
This is the second account of source stealing on the BOP, Ira you are warned and now on probation. The first occurance was by nick who is almost off his probationary period . . . he still has to cut his hair into a euro mullet for his sole car trip before his probation is complete.
TheBOP Member #1
This should have NOTHING to do with my hair. It's luxurious. END OF STORY.
Let's keep the focus on blatant plagiarism.
Focus back to Nick's hair.
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