I'm visiting some family and friends in the Mile High City (Denver) for this holiday weekend. It's the 4th of July & what better way to celebrate other than America's past time . . . baseball. We got tickets to the Rockies vs. Marlins game in the cheap / rowdy "Rockpile" area.
These are the bleacher seats out in center field where everybody just gets drunk and yells at the umpires. For some reason if you mix a little too much alcohol with some people they become the center of attention. Which brings me to my 3rd PLC (poor life choice) . . . crowd conducting!
I wasn't sure if it was funnier to watch this guy try to lead cheers for 30-40 min strait or to listen to everybody heckle him. At the end of his conducting he even went soo far as to take pictures of the crown behind him like they were his students. Basically nobody listened to him, he kept getting frustrated with the crowd, and I'm surprised that he wasn't taken out with a half drank cup of beer.
Baseball analysts always say it is easier to hit homeruns in Coors Field due to it's altitude and thin air.
Overall a very long game but exciting . . . almost got hit by one of the multiple home run balls, the Rockies won in a dramatic come from behind in the bottom of the 9th, and I saw my first in person Grand Slam. Later at the bar I saw on t.v. that ESPN stated this was only the 3rd time ever that both teams scored 17 runs each in a normal 9 inning game.
The good thing about our seats (other than the 50yr old cheerleaders) was that they were in one of 3 sections which got to go down on the field to watch the post game fireworks. Something about them being worried about falling debris from the fireworks in those 3 sections.
Me, my cousin, and her roommate on the field waiting for the fireworks. . . Major league grass is so plush.
I'll leave you with the grand Finale . . . America Yeah!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Rocky Mountain High . . . PLC 3 Crowd Conducting
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what the HELL is a grand Finally?
[cam] blah blah blah blah blah [/cam]
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