Friday, October 31, 2008

Who's Feelin Festive....

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- THE B.O.P.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cam Unleashes His Political Views on TV!

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So Cam, Ira and I were around Hawthorne last night when we ran into a news crew. Cam asked them their business on Hawthorne, and they stated that they were getting responses on President Obama's advertising campaign, marketing strategy...etc. Specifically they wanted the public's thoughts on his 30 minute commercial and Cam being the political bulldog that he is grabbed at the mic, immediately denied by the reporter who alerted him that he holds the mic during the interviews.

Cam was not discouraged and answered all questions thrown at him, letting the reporter and the public know that with McCain taking aim at a Myspace campaign he sees no issue or problem with Obama's 30 minute special and feels that both candidates have missed the opportunity to capitalize on a successful viral campaign by barely partaking in that outlet.

-check for Cam's response in comments if I've covered the events inaccurately.



Bus Rider of The Week: "PFO" Edition

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So this is the Triumphant return of the "Bus Rider" series I've brought to you on more than one occasion before. Thanks, so lets call him "Tee," a nice young dude who robocopped this tee from his cuz and was all about getting his pic taken. I've never seen this shirt before and couldn't think of a more appropriate place for it other than our blog. PFO is damn right and we are doing it big the next couple days.


So I wanted to throw down some random pics with this post too since they all came from my adventures on Tri-Met today. First, I get back from Europe and notice they've put in a Muchas Gracias in place of what was once a KFC. Now this corner is rife with mexican fast-eateries including T-Bell, MG, and Chipotle.

I know we're in Portland but head south east and you still see some crazy things. I still think anything east of 82nd should be re-zoned into Gresham!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nike Oregon Hyperdunks

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This Saturday, November 1st, the new Eugene Nike Retail Store will be releasing the Oregon Hyperdunk in very limited numbers. Word is 36 pairs, retailing at $125. Nike is set to open doors at 10am.


Anyone else catch this?

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I'm sure people caught this, but I just didn't quite understand his role or where the idea of putting him in this commercial came from. I thought Lebron ran with the other Carter.


The PREFIX: Halloween on Thursday

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Join The B.O.P. and friends this Thursday the 30th at hecklewood for their PREFIX Halloween Party. All information needed is in the flier below except that you need a costume to join in on the fun and free PBR. Now who can't find a blank t-shirt and write "Ceiling" on it for some free PBR.

Afterward join the crowd as they head over to The Fix @ Someday Lounge to listen to the sounds of Count Base D and some of my favorite musical talents from the Portland area.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Most Amazing Porn to Watch

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So this got emailed around today and it's very funny. I'm only posting the video's but if you want to read some analysis about each one than hop over to Cracked. These are "6 Amazing Non-Sex Scenes From Porn." ENJOY!

I don't know about a guy who can handle an Anaconda that big. PAUSE!

This is exactly how it went down the last time I was caught in Frisbee cross-fire.

I think we all have it after watching this one.

Hey that's my move!

This one really heats things up with the political climate getting warmer.

Okay the sentence is "would it be possible to drop me off near there, I live right near there, my roommate just dropped me off”


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

SWPL in Portland; White People Overjoyed

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The Author of blog/rolling-in-cash-Scrooge-Mcduck-style vehicle was in town for a reading of his book *drum roll*..... Stuff White People Like. The B.O.P was there in full force, albeit at half capacity (wait...), and listened carefully while Christian Lander talked about how his blog became a veritable wrecking ball. Sadly, no notes were taken.

Standing room only capacity in Portland. Go figure.
The white people's Mecca restlessly awaits their Allah.
A quick peek at Hawthorne's also-ran (ZING!) of the night.text
Mike Hecklewood arrives. His e-stardom was easily outdone tonight.
The author and co-author arrive.
On January 17th he hadn't made his first post and four months later he had the book written. The internet works in mysteeerious ways.
Pics or it never happened?
The Book
The Auto
We only got a chance to speak with the authors for south of a minute, but you could tell they were very cool and personable people. Luckily, my grey and teal Hecklewood tee (aka my goin' out shirt), makes it's sixth appearance on the B.O.P.

Check out the newest offshoot of SWPL, Dunked on Dreams. Just as funny, plus it's new so you can tell everybody that you've been down since the beginning. And it's about dunking. Just look.

--Pics: Keith & Mikey

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Streetwear Grading System: Double Down NYC

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I don't know a whole lot about Double Down NYC (apparently Google doesn't know much either, or at least they're not telling anyone), but I can tell you two things about them: They make overpriced glasses and one damn good polo.

Actually, I can tell you a little bit more (like what they told me). I can tell you that they're "one of the original NY streetwear brands" (who Google hasn't heard much about...) and that they're "releasing a new collection this coming spring that brings back a lot of nostalgia for early 80's New York City."
'Eighty Fours Series Frames'

Ok, it's not that bad if that's what you're into. It's a bubble gum packaged direct rip of vintage sunglasses. They're $180 bucks, so it's pretty up there for what it is, but at least you get a feel for what the company's about -- 80's nostalgia! Having fun and 80's nostalgia...

Lack of creativity:9
Gaudiness: 9
Cost effectiveness: 9
Reappropriation: 9
Overall streetwear scale grade: 9/10

'Jumbo Polo'

I like 80's nostalgia (full disclosure: I don't) and I don't like crack, so with that being said... What better way to voice my displeasure than by WEARING A POLO WITH A VIAL OF CRACK ON IT? And what accents crack cocaine better then gold satin taping on the hem, I ask? Nothing!

Lack of creativity: 6
Gaudiness: 10
Cost Effectiveness: 9
Reappropriation: 8
Overall streetwear scale grade: 8.25/10

Friday, October 17, 2008

Tanner Goods 4 THE B.O.P.

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Our good friends at Tanner Goods recently did some Basic Cardholders for us in a classic "Elephant" textured leather. The 3 oz. leather features their trademark utilitarian closure and can carry all the basics for everyday use.

Luckily for you, the item is also available in store at their Portland-based Hecklewood shop and online on the Tanner Goods website. Limited to just 40 pieces total - 30 pieces online.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Eminem and Kanye

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Pretty big day in the Rap world. Eminem is officially back. His new song is definitely the Em of old. Rumors are spreading that 50 Cent's final Interscope Album, Before I Self Destruct, Dr. Dre's, Detox, and Eminem's new album, Relapse, are all dropping 4th quarter/early 2009. Not to mention other notables dropping such as Kanye West's, 808's & Heartbreaks, which he just released the unmastered version of his track via his blog called Heartless. A nice step up from Love Lockdown. Don't forget Ludacris, Cam'Ron, T-Pain, and Jay-Z also have big albums still to be released before 09.


I thought this was pretty fucked up....

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It's a sad world.

That is all.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jean Claude Van Damme: Enough Said

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Everybody knows how much I love JCVD right? Well I do, and besides Segal I believe Jean to be one of the most accomplished actors of our time. I just want to bring you all up to speed on what he's been working on. It's an elegant film appropriately titled JCVD (Jean Claude Van Damme), a well thought out and marketable title that will garner the attention of all those who understand what real acting is and know it involves being BAD ASS. Check out the trailer for JCVD now....


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wayne Blogs for ESPN??

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(Weezy receiving $1,000,000 from Birdman for his Birthday recently)

Just when you thought this man couldn't get any bigger, ESPN has greenlighted the martian to blog for their website. In the past, there have been many references to ESPN, Sportscenter, and other great shows on ESPN within the mixtapes and rhymes of Lil' Wayne. Apparently it's paid off for him as he now blogs for on just about whatever he wants in terms of sports. Of course, Weezy does come with the outlandish remarks to beef up the crappy rap line quotes moving.

You can see Weezy's blog here.
