S a t u r d a y , O c t o b e r 1 1 , 2 0 0 8Some of you have been wondering where I am and why I've been gone. Well, those are questions waiting to be answered later in a long ranging B.O.P. story arc which I can't yet reveal. What I can tell you, though, is what lured me back.
But first, I'll give a crash course in the history of streetwear. A long time ago in a mystical land, a man named Hiroshi Fujiwara rose to streetwear prominence and, amongst other things, created a brand called Fragment and headed another called Head Porter. Although each company specialized in highly detailed, mundane, expensive products, they were autonomous from one another.
On Saturday, October 11th, 2008, all that changed. Fragment, operated by Hiroshi Fujiwara, and Head Porter, operated by Hiroshi Fujiwara, officially collaborated (wait...) with each other to create a product designed by Hiroshi Fujiwara.
Although there isn't an empirically written history of streetwear predating all-over prints, this is believed to be the first time someone has collaborated with themselves. As an added bonus he has used a print that was at the height of its popularity two years ago.
If you're still at all interested in Hiroshi, you can read a riveting recent interview here, as you can tell he's a man of few words, but then again so is this guy.
aha my friend...how dare you forget about the Cole Haan x Jordan Brand 'Icy' Boot!
A masterpiece of fine craftsmanship and styling it was.
Brown Croc/Red Leather Collar FTW!
Yeah man,
I don't get this either. So Streetwear now includes luggage? I need to step my game up I guess.
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