Tuesday, October 21, 2008

SWPL in Portland; White People Overjoyed

M o n d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 2 0 0 8
The Author of blog/rolling-in-cash-Scrooge-Mcduck-style vehicle StuffWhitePeopleLike.com was in town for a reading of his book *drum roll*..... Stuff White People Like. The B.O.P was there in full force, albeit at half capacity (wait...), and listened carefully while Christian Lander talked about how his blog became a veritable wrecking ball. Sadly, no notes were taken.

Standing room only capacity in Portland. Go figure.
The white people's Mecca restlessly awaits their Allah.
A quick peek at Hawthorne's also-ran (ZING!) of the night.text
Mike Hecklewood arrives. His e-stardom was easily outdone tonight.
The author and co-author arrive.
On January 17th he hadn't made his first post and four months later he had the book written. The internet works in mysteeerious ways.
Pics or it never happened?
The Book
The Auto
We only got a chance to speak with the authors for south of a minute, but you could tell they were very cool and personable people. Luckily, my grey and teal Hecklewood tee (aka my goin' out shirt), makes it's sixth appearance on the B.O.P.

Check out the newest offshoot of SWPL, Dunked on Dreams. Just as funny, plus it's new so you can tell everybody that you've been down since the beginning. And it's about dunking. Just look.

--Pics: Keith & Mikey


Anonymous said...

Ira + College English = Overuse of unnecessary SAT level word choice.

1. being truly or very much so: a veritable triumph.

They should have never gave him college!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

haha it's funny because its true. They should of never gave him college! Cams on fire the last two days.