S a t u r d a y , O c t o b e r 1 8 , 2 0 0 8I don't know a whole lot about Double Down NYC (apparently Google doesn't know much either, or at least they're not telling anyone), but I can tell you two things about them: They make overpriced glasses and one damn good polo.
Actually, I can tell you a little bit more (like what they told me). I can tell you that they're "one of the original NY streetwear brands" (who Google hasn't heard much about...) and that they're "releasing a new collection this coming spring that brings back a lot of nostalgia for early 80's New York City."
'Eighty Fours Series Frames'

Ok, it's not that bad if that's what you're into. It's a bubble gum packaged direct rip of vintage sunglasses. They're $180 bucks, so it's pretty up there for what it is, but at least you get a feel for what the company's about -- 80's nostalgia! Having fun and 80's nostalgia...
Lack of creativity:9
Gaudiness: 9
Cost effectiveness: 9
Reappropriation: 9
Overall streetwear scale grade: 9/10
'Jumbo Polo'

Lack of creativity: 6
Gaudiness: 10
Cost Effectiveness: 9
Reappropriation: 8
Overall streetwear scale grade: 8.25/10
Since when is Russ a polo model?
I believe that's the Grouch from Living Legends sir.
overpriced sunglasses are overrated. you can find some cheap vintage sunglasses online.
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