T h u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 0 1 , 2 0 0 9The B.O.P New Year's plans were thrown totally a muck until hours before the party. With the idea of holding it at a friend's beach house slipping away we turned to the official basement of The B.O.P: Nick's Basement.
Two patrons cloud a picture of an epic night of beer pong. Ira played well and Dane just may have got his powers back from the Monstars.
Dominique gets A-rab money while an onlooker turns away in disgust.
Dane-rab money. More disgusted onlookers.
Keep the Cookstal poppin.
Woahohohoah guys!
No hate (here comes the hate..), but he's got a Han Solo X Eastern Bloc look to him tonight. I kinda like it.
Dane's Gangasta Grillz Vol.487,690
Pop Champagne"
Pop Champagne"
We Pop Champagne"
We Pop Champagne"
Though Nick was somewhere in the middle of the Pacific ocean, Keith was confident that Nick would be able to attend via teleconference. Hannah was skeptical.
BOPIV.com (Foreshadowing?)
Eyelash extensions can get you anything.
Wait for it...
As the official last day of 2008, the 31st should have known it had it comin...
B.O.P out.
Har har! I cannot believe my brethren Keith tried to contact Nick through the television! Truly, that would have been a spectacle!
As the new year begins I have one, and only one, question I would like to bounty to the B.O.P: what is the new slogan? For truly 2008 had it coming, but what does 2009 have in store for the faithful e-scribes?
My New Year's resolution: Not to be the last pic of this year's New Year's Eve party.
God damn Brendon.
brendon got that bitter beer face!
cold bathroom floor > warm soft bed
that towel was gone when i woke up damn it....
This was very classic indeed. The BOP IV did well next time IV + II hopefully!
The first three times I read through this recap, I kept looking for a bottle of Patron in that first picture.
epic fail
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