Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day

T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 0 , 2 0 0 9

You did it. Each and every one of you, you really did it. Every one of you who voted for Barack Obama are responsible for this and everything like it.


This is the change you can believe in. And don't think this is it, either. With the security of Barack being in office, there's much more to come. Greater numbers and greater productions runs. Hell, here at the B.O.P. bullpen we argued over having a 'Dem is Fire' tab or a 'Dem is Obama'. So every time you feel alive when you think about change. Think about what you've done. Think about the Obama tees that are now going to be Obama brands. Do you feel the sadness? I feel it. It's not going to leave either. You can believe in that.


I'm glad I only voted for Rudy. I like a good train wreck.



Anonymous said...


I voted for Obama, too...

Anonymous said...

I was about to say...

I'll take Obama cereal, etc ANY DAY if it means we got a hoopin president and get rid of W.

Anonymous said...

imma cop 2 pairs

Anonymous said...

I can wear these with my Obama throwback jersey!

London said...

Love these! Even across the pond (UK) I'd cop those!