W e d n e s d a y , J a n u a r y 1 4 , 2 0 0 9So here is the story about my dude Cam (not B.O.P. Cam). Back when I was balling in college, he used to help the guys out. See what I did there? It sounds like I was a collegiate player, but no, I was just in the advance class at Portland Community College. I also used to run campus entertainment & parties (best paying job of my life) which worked directly with student government. He would help out a lot in there too. This cat Cam aka. Laz D though was real genuine, a nice guy and was down for the good.
Here is the origins of his rap name...
"Cam Lasley was dubbed "Laz D" by former classmate, and current Atlanta Hawk, Salim Stoudamire, and the name has stuck."
The best part, was after basketball I'd see him by the bus stop and he'd pull me over sometimes and tell me about his rapping. I'm not gonna lie, some others and I ciphered with him a couple times. It didn't quite resonate though how serious he was until I got this YouTube sent to me recently, and I gotta admit his video is better than most of these Portland emcees. He also has released his own cd on his own record label. The kid has hustle and major heart and again that's more than I can say about a lot of local emcees. He loves what he does and he pushes himself and for that alone he deserves any shine he can get. I know the video is old but check it out.
Does that mean Salim goes by 'LAZIER D'?
Haha I see what you did there!
Start this off with a disclaimer of Hate:
Am I alone or did this post seem way too gansta to anybody else . . . like I was instantly transported to allhiphop.com. And for some reason i hate the term cipher when used in a "ghetto / rap" reference.
^It's funny when you're racist, it's one of your more endearing qualities.
I'm sorry did you watch the video?
I wouldn't know anything about being racist but you could inform me about it since you're an expert!
No I did not watch the video.
& Nick I started it off with a disclaimer of HATE . . . where's the suprise in that.
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