F r i d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 0 , 2 0 0 9
PING is a new restaurant from Pok Pok head chef/owner Andy Ricker and Wieden & Kennedy Icon John Jay, and it's located on 4th & Couch in Chinatown, conveniently a block away from
Compound and
Hecklewood. So, a couple of us B.O.P. members met up with friends and the Hecklewood/Tanner team to give this place a try. Here goes the quickest review of all time...
"The drinks are stiff!"
Seriously the food was great! We started out by ordering fancy Asian Fusion drinks that included a lot of salt, grape, ginger and citrus. We got Snacks too,"shrimp chips" and "little fish." The chips are always good but those little fish, not to our table's liking. Next we ordered our food and got all types of items, mostly skewers of items like BBQ beef, shrimp, chicken and the top item of the night which was Quail Eggs wrapped in Bacon. They were amazing!!!!
After we finished eating, fresh off of work, Colton stopped in and picked up the scraps and convinced us to order Sochu on the rocks. It was quite strong.
-If you're just eating you can get out of there for cheap, once you add drinks it adds up but they are stiff.
-Good Food
-Great Atmosphere
-Nice Staff
-Cramped (not great for big groups)
-Service was great but it took a long time to even get drinks. It's understandable though with it being a freshly opened restaurant.
-Small Portions

Pics by Gabe, Mikey, Brendon & Keith