Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Since You Suck At Love....

H a p p y B i r t h d a y M J , 2 0 0 9
Over the weekend you likely struggled through our country's favorite Halmark Holiday, but luckily, I have just the thing to help you through these trying times -- THE VIDEO GUIDE TO SUCCESFUL SEDUCTION!!!!

That's right, follow along for some helpful tips ("I'm not a real spiffy or quick talker - I just basically look at 'em.") and hopefully this weekend you'll be back in the game.

- Nick


Anonymous said...

wtf did i just watch...those old people are creepy

Anonymous said...

I became really uncomfortable when that one guy said 'nookie.' Thanks for that.

Anonymous said...

the fuckin detroit guy is priceless

1:47 ftw


Anonymous said...

I need a gram of coke this video is amazing!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes to Mustaches & Sex Graphs!