S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 0 9The Blazers return to the Playoff Spotlight tonight against the Houston Rockets. Hopefully we get some live feedback via Twitter from our on site correspondents and fans Ira & Nick. They will be taking in the game at the Rose Garden while the injury ridden, vocally challenged me sits it out! Have Fun you guys!
I'm ready for a big Blazer win tonight and excited to see how they fair in a playoff situation which our Blazers haven't faced since '03. Hell, only Steve Blake and Joel "Ghostface" Przybilla have seen post-season action for our team. This should be a fun, intense and physical match-up. Stay tuned!
TIP OFF: 7:30pm
1 comment:
I miss the days when Seattle had an NBA team...or an NBA team that was in the play-offs for that matter
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