Wednesday, April 8, 2009

B.O.P. On The Street: Air Yeezy Edition

W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 8 , 2 0 0 9
So here is a shot at the first B.O.P. YouTube clip and it comes via a very smart, drunk old man. He stopped by for about an hour and a half and proceeded to give us all types of knowledge. Mostly it had to do with a disease you catch on cruises. I'll post more snippets of our epic convo down the line occasionally. So keep an eye peeled for that.

This Edition has been edited to include all the Yeezy talk that was going down since it took place during the launch. By the way, it was about 3:30am.



Killa said...

This dude was hillarious. He single-handly made the night. I though an attempted stabbing or assult with a baseball bat was gonna be the highlight but NOPE!

NICK said...


Cinematographer said...

"He Grooves." is my favorite part. Wait until the next vid of Him and Cam doing E.T. and The Cirlcle of Life by Elton John.

Mannie Freshest said...

"Imma ask you 1 more time 'does he run'?"

that alone woulda made camping worth it

Dane said...

Cam got him with the "53" but homie KO'd him with DOES HE RUN! SEE HOW SIMPLE THAT WAS. lol.

Oh and his like 2 bar freestyle...

Didn't look down, i'm just a town clown, something something


Melody said...

I luv this.x.
Ima Have to COPY it .x.
Just Found you on you tube.x.