S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 0 9With only a thousand Blazer tickets available to the public per game and B.O.P members being calloused to the effects of camp outs, I figured we'd be able to get playoff tickets pretty easily. Not such an easy task...
We got there at about 6am (the supposed time you can start lining up) to find about 350 people in front of us. FAIL.
Being the prepared urban campers we are, we forgot to bring chairs. DOUBLE FAIL. So our only recourse was to take pics of people for the next seven hours. GET READY TO MEET SOME OF THE MOST EXCITING PEOPLE YOU'LL EVER SEE!
Buying a Snuggie is one (terrible) thing, but wearing it in pubic is another thing...
Nice Supremes...
This is whats known as epic apparel failure.
These kids easily got to the Rose Quarter an hour before we did. One didn't bring a jacket and one wore durasheen shorts, but at least they brought the Arizona!
What happens when a lot of people congregate in one area you ask? CLEAR tries to ruin the whole damn thing.
Then the line got WAY longer then the number of tickets they had...
?uestlove made
And so did Spiderman!!!
No one working for the Blazers seemed to know what was going on, then finally some answers.
[denzelinamericangangster]Mah man![denzelinamericangangster/]
This gentleman was handing money out to a group of 6-10 people right before the line started moving. Perhaps he needed the tickets for a large group of friends?
Unfortunately, I went to high school with this kid. He is every bit the G you'd expect him to be. Until, of course, he says-something-to-the-wrong-guy-in-line-causes-a-discrepancy-yells-to-his-girlfriend-HOLD-MAH-PUPPY (yes, actually holding a puppy)-gets-ready-to-fight-the-guy-and-then-scurries-off, he's one of tho
A quick wardrobe change is often needed when you can't back up what you say...
Yes, this guy was there for tickets.
In case you're wondering about the look on my face, it's got to do with the sheer volume of aftershave and cologne wafting off of Jerome Kersey.
Mission : Accomplished!
"Excuse me sir, the fashion police called and they want you as Commissioner."
Authentic Sabonis Jersey, very nice.
did I see a JR Rider jersey in there?
You did! I've been looking for JR authentic forever...
Overall, I counted one JR jersey there and three Sabas jerseys. My kinda fans.
Also, there's a Easter egg in the pic of the kind from my high school anybody who finds it gets a post dedicated to them!
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