Friday, April 10, 2009

Random Music Update: Shout Out to Kelso!!!

F r i d a y , A p r i l 1 0 , 2 0 0 9
First I would just like to give a shout out to "D." I think you might appreciate today's update, at least to an extent. First up check out what Rick Ross is offering up off his New LP, it puts the original "Maybach Music" with Jay-Z to shame. "Maybach Music 2" with Kanye, Wayne & Pain.

Next a not so big surprise from Lupe Fiasco as this clip has been circulating the blogs like crazy. But if "Shining Down" is any indication as to what the first single and his album will sound like I think we are in for another "Superstar" type release that is worth all the peso's that it costs.

The last thing I have for you tonight is continuing with the Chicago theme and is a re-imagining of the Pop "Tour De Force" "Pokerface." It features Cudi, and MLK jr. (Kanye goes by Martin Louis The King Jr. now in case you didn't know) and one awful, awful Common who is merely what his title proclaims on this track. Common is another throw away emcee now, who if he continues down the path he is heading will ultimately become unworthy of any positive recognition for contributing to the progression of a once powerful music.

You can find MP3 downloads on the You Tube pages of both "Maybach Music 2" and "I Poke Her Face."



Anonymous said...

commons verse is horrendous

Rock the Burrito said...

Common's been spending too much time getting his dick abused by Sir-Ena, he kinda got his physical and creative energy sucked out. TMZ reports.