T h u r s d a y , A p r i l 2 , 2 0 0 9
With the regular season winding down, the games in the west are becoming more and more meaningful as to who lands where in positions 2-8 in the playoff race. Being the Blazer fan I am, I was hoping New Orleans would drop this game against NDP's beloved Sacramento Kings, giving the Blazers more cushion in their hopes of home court in the first round. But with roughly 1 second and some change, Rasual Butler receives the inbound pass wide open to bury the game winning three-point field goal. This video above shows eye witness account to Weezy just going nuts for his hometown team and bumping chests with CP3 himself. Weezy looks just hilarious jumping up and down like he hit the shot himself. Definitely a good laugh.
Dane is back posting and F' those new orleans heads.
It's the pop bottles video all over again.
In lil weezyanna fashion, Excessive, Simply Excessive
We should have never let him in the Lebron 6 Video. Look what happens.
This is what I'm going to do when the yeezy's come in!!!
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