Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Throwback debut from Kanye

W e d n e s d a y , J u n e 0 3 , 2 0 0 9
Recently (by which, I mean the last six to nine months) I've been pretty AWOL on the blog updates. So I'll cut to the chase, very few things could get me back here, but one that could is (unfortunately) a Kanye West video. Don't worry, no anime, vocoder or tribesmen, jus good 'ol fashion fishing wire here.

After four years in stasis, Kanye has finally released his video for "Spaceship".



NICK said...

FOUR videos in a row. YES!

THE B.O.P. said...

I think it's actually FIVE post in a row with more to come...

Jeff said...

I knew GLC would use Axe body spray!

Dane said...

4 years in stasis? It's been 6.