Friday, July 3, 2009

Christmas in July....

F r i d a y , J u l y 3 , 2 0 0 9
First priority for the day : Change my business cards.

I got a call from Fed-Ex on Monday from a Customer Service dude notifying me that I had a package sent to Satellite Beach, Florida that was undeliverable.

My business cards are over two years old. We haven't used the listed addy for at least the past year....

Rather than have the box returned to sender, Steve had it forwarded to his new place down in nearby Key Largo.

When he mentioned who Fed-Ex said the sender was...I had never heard the name before. What it could be? NO CLUE.

Sure enough....the mystery box showed up at Steve's this morning...and he captured a quick video of the unveiling for us....

Turns out Zac and I both lucked out big time...

Now it's time to get those new cards done up...

- Nick