M o n d a y , A u g u s t 2 4 , 2 0 0 9What are you guys thinking!? Where was I when it became cool to wear kids' Halloween costumes as your standard piece of clothing? This is ridiculous, and I really can't justify why it exists at all, and it costs $124. Yeah, right. If you are trying to impress the Geico Gecko, this may be your hoody, if not, stay away, far, far away.
The Puma Bode Lizard Hoody

From pickyourshoes
About 3 or 4 years ago, when BBC was making super cartoonish stuff, it could have been a hit...
There's still a lot of Vaughn Bode fans out there though, so it will still be a collector's piece...
this is for kids right?
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