W e d n e s d a y , O c t o b e r 7 , 2 0 0 9Someway, somehow, Hecklewood has made it a full year amongst their suspect OT/CT surroundings. Around the corner from countless shady bums. Next door to a police station.
The perfect retail location indeed.
But, they made it. [Sam claims 4,366 free beers, 488 new friends, 44 shirt graphics, 37 drunk hobos, 22 parking tickets and 18 exhibition parties were involved along the way.]
So they're throwing a 1 Year Anniversary Party.
This Thursday.
Be there.
Here's what it looked like before they wrecked the place.
Shitty older blog post
(Notice that Sam character acting like he's busy and/or on the phone in every pic)
- Nick
1 comment:
Good call I was just about to post this!
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