T u e s d a y , M a y 1 1 , 2 0 1 0
Last weekend, Zac and I spent a few days down in sunny San Diego.
The best city in the country.
While we're normally in town to catch up with Pony, there's also some added fun in store since my brother is a scholar at SDSU and we can crash at his place. Pony's global headquarters also are conveniently located in the heart of the Gaslamp District. Pretty convenient.

We spent all day Friday checking out the upcoming line with a tour courtesy of Captain Colin, and even saw some promo highlights from awhile ago.

Before our flight out on Saturday, Colin set us up for a decently fun morning.

Unreal machines.

My brother and our friend Bill took this one out.

And Zac and I got to give this Maserati a run.

There's really not a more humbling experience than to spend some time around some truly awesome performance machines that are in a whole 'nother stratosphere of reality.
When you consider that 80% of the people that purchase there simply write a single check....I'll just keep dreaming.
- Nick