Monday, March 15, 2010

Owner of the Adam Bomb/ Jordan III Tattoo Reflects!!

M o n d a y , M a r c h 1 5 , 2 0 1 0
Ah yes, the reason we all still follow streetwear: To watch as idiot kids dress like clowns and make amazingly terrible life choices.

Today's lesson is brought to you by: The kid that got the Adam-Bomb-wearing-Jordan-IIIs-on-top-of-SB-boxes tattoo.

Now a year later, the owner steps up and admits wasn't executed as he envisioned.

We'll let him [aka "ride2diedagreat"] explain....

(Gold lines in bold for your convenience.)


Yea that was my first tat & I thought it was super dope & unique. I mean no one else I know have a hundreds bomb with Jordan III's on them.

But I did get messed up & ripped off by the artist. It was my first tat & I didnt know much about lines and shading and all that. She charged me a grip too, $480!! I thought I was paying for the worth, since everyone saying don't be afraid to pay, because nice tats aren't cheap, but did I get screwed over!! HAHA!!

I'm still trying to figure a way to probably clean that tat up somehow or get a nice cover up, but with it being so black, cover up seems almost impossible. Its looking horrible now too, the ink is fading and there are so many dark & light patches all through the black ink. The III's kinda started to somehow warped. Any advice? And I see exactly what everyone was saying about the boxes and the lines being so uneven and out of shape! It pissed me off, and when I went back to the artist & demanded a touch up, she tells me its because I been in the sun & it messed up my tat! The sun has nothing to do with your CROOKED lines woman!! I was heated. But since then, I got a couple more tats by a way better artist. I need to get my hands on a camera and take some pics when I finish. This is the guy thats doing my tats now, great work!

I don't regret my hundreds tat, well not the idea atleast, I wish it was executed to perfection like I imagined it, but it didnt. haha"

A Classic:


- Nick

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