Extra Extra Read all about it . . .
Just an ordinary Monday morning. Get to work a little after 9 and start the day off right . . . grab a cup of tea, make my way thru most of my inbox, and then read the weekend/morning news.
OK so it's not your parent's News, aka the local paper that gets delivered at 5:30 am by the pimpley 16 yr old who is trying to save up enough money to buy a '94 geo metro, so he can roll thru dairy queen on the weekends in style (instead of his 10 speed he is currently delivering on). It’s the News via the internet.
After 30 min. or so hittin up my usual sites, StuffWhitePeopleLike, TheShoeGame, and NBA.com
I make my way over to TheHundreds and what, better yet, WHO do I see?
Front Page . . . I’m 50% disgusted, 40% appalled, and 20% jealous
Now you can run into girls who recognize you from the hundreds!
And didn't they get the memo that the switch is complete . . . Compound not Just Be.
Monday, March 31, 2008
ON Blast ! Front Page News . . .
The new Hypebeast site layout looks terrible.
I mean really really hideous.
Kevin better pick it up and get things back to normal.
- Nick
Customer of the Week!!!
It's that time of the week again! CoW entrants are chosen at 6:00 pacific time every sunday and this one came down to the wire! A BapestaxBatman wearer with a black/yellow checkered Orisue hoodie couldn't take it home, nor could dude draped from head to toe in Tommy (remember Tommy? Yeah Tommy, I'm still on first name basis. Fuck Hilfiger...and get this... HE WAS WEARING THEIR CURRENT LINE!) First, the all over hoodie catches you off guard, but then...BAM! The dry denim (with camo back pockets) comes at you like a punch to the gut...
Anyways, without further ado, your CoW champion: Rastafarian streetwear mess!
There's just too much going on here and I don't care to talk about it. The dreads. The Gino Green Global hat (it has nines!). The gigantic bead necklace. The jeans with 6-inch embroidered strippers across the crotch, sorry guys no crotch shots for ya. Yeah, stripper silhouettes. About six of'em, too.
BONUS: bag of the week
You wish you had a bag like this. I once had a tee shirt like this; I was the fucking man. I wanted the shoes that matched them. Half red, half blue, white midsole. They had zippers. Never got'em. Fuck.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Grand Theft Auto
It seems that one of our favorite fallen NBA stars has fallen yet again. Isaiah Rider was arrested for investigation into auto theft. How has one who used to rise so high fallen so low?
Of course, he is innocent until proven guilty.
For those keeping score at home...according to Basketball-Reference.com, JR has made an astounding $26,398,797 during his NBA career.
(Be sure click on the title for full story)
- JT
The More You Know.....
Don't see 21:
As I've been known to peruse the internets...I came across a situation involving the movie 21 that I found to be equal parts intriguing and equal parts offensive.
21 is based on a true story and deals with a classic bringing-down-the-house case where a team of MIT students devised a counting cards method and raked in millions from Vegas casinos. I wish I could pull that off. Where it gets messy is the fact that in REAL LIFE, the students were all Asian-American, however the film has cast white actors to play the students, perhaps implying that Asian actors wouldn't draw movie-goers to the theaters? Hmm...seems like a stretch
I've heard arguments defending the casting that there "aren't enough recognizable Asian actors" or "maybe this movie needed a more talented actor and they couldn't find the right Asian cast"...My favorite response? "That's like saying there weren't any good black baseball players in the 30's." There's talent out there, they just need a chance.
Which made me wonder...who the HELL is Jim Sturgess?
- Nick
Thursday, March 27, 2008
She will kick your ass. . .really
Just saw this video. Maybe Jason Kidd was right about his wife beating him. If she trained like this, I would believe it.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Welcome to Strongbadia
Every generation greatness must be reassessed. Whenever Lebron James dribbles a basketball he carries a heavy burden placed upon him. Not only placed on him by fans and media, but by those who came before him. Every time one of those players who changed the game, who elevated greatness, stepped onto the hardwood more was expected of them. It happened to Russell and Chamberlain, it happened to Julius, it happened to Magic and Bird and, yes, when the pressure was placed upon his shoulders, it a happened to the greatest player to ever play the game: Arvydas Sabonis.
As the years go forward it seems people are starting to forget the living legend that is Arvydas 'Sabas' Sabonis. So, I've went ahead and created a sort of cliff notes version of his story.
- Out of all the NBA players, Sabonis throws the best parties. One time he had dirty dancing, but his parents got pissed.
- Sabonis can drink an ENTIRE beer in 5 minutes
- When Sabonis wants to, he can run REALLY fast. But not for too long.
- Sabonis doesn't pop his collar, his collars pop Sabonis'
- On a last minute whim, MTV chose Xzibit over Sabonis for pimp my ride.
- Sabonis doesn't wear condoms. He takes birth control.
- Every Saturday morning Sabonis has a bagel, cup of coffee, and reads the Sunday paper.
- Sabonis doesn't stop; he yields.
- Sabonis is terrified of clowns. Clowns are only moderately afraid of Sabonis.
- Sabonis doesn't ask for slices or pieces, he asks for sectors of pizza
- One time Sabonis drove to the hoop, he got called for 3 seconds in the key.
- Sabonis' mortal enemy is the dog from Duck Hunt.
- In 2004, Sabonis started a business to prepare computers for possible Y2K bugs
- Sabonis compares ALL movies to 'Weekend at Bernie's 2.'
- Sabonis uses pickup lines to break up with girls
- G.I. Joes have Sabonis action figures
- Sabonis has a gambling problem; he cannot physically scratch off the silver stuff.
- It is said that Sabonis once compiled a list of his favorite Nicktoons. To this day, that list has never been found...
- Sabonis is actually the only person to ever "taste the rainbow." Upon doing so he came up with the idea for flavored condoms. He has yet to taste those.
- In his new autobiography, ARVY THERE YET, Sabonis revealed that he often attended naked hot tub parties with Marv Albert throughout the mid 90s.
- After reading the book, long-time teammate Isaiah Rider was asked whether Sabas was actually as "hung" as he described himself. Rider replied, "Haha. Yeah, n*--@. Haha, yeah. Yeah muthafucka."
- Sabonis thinks AIDS jokes are hilarious.
- Sabonis collects nickels made before 1965... he has 8 of them
- When it comes to liking sports teams, Sabonis considers himself to be a "major frontrunner."
- Sabonis' resume simply reads 'Sabonis'.
- Sabonis leaves messages before the beep.
- Sabonis has a vacation home in Strongbadia.
- There are no such thing as lesbians, just women who never met Sabonis.
- Sabonis hates Greg Ostertag, but by God does he respect him.
- Sabonis gets angry when the kids cant put the monkey statue together on "Legends of the Hidden Temple" - IT'S ONLY 3 PIECES!
- Sabonis once double-teamed a player...... by himself

Credit: a dedicated group of Sabonis enthusiasts who comprise the Arvydas Sabonis group on (networking website).
Source: Jake
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
WacArnolds . . . or McDowells . . . ?
Order UP!
So on the way home from the gym I decided to stop and get a snack . . . double cheeseburger.
My order: With Ketchup and Cheese Only.
Employee: Ketchup and Cheese Only
Me: Yes Please.
This is what I get . . . Ketchup Cheese & Tartar Sauce.
WTF who would order Tartar on a burger? I think it is "special sauce" and they just put tartar on the receipt cause it's the closest looking.
I guess thats what I get for trying to order it my way at McDonalds . . . Im going to burger king . . . GET ME A WHOPPER!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Customer of the week!!!
Generally customer of the week honors are not something to be proud of. It usually means that you've somehow managed to spark fashion related ire from the Compound staff and walk through life totally oblivious to your(at best) horrendous sense of style. I mean, if streetwear people think you look laughable imagine what real people think. To put it succinctly, a CoW winner is a fashion juggernaut destroying all societal norms and values that lay in its path.
But not this week.
CoW winner: Little English girl wearing new love AJ1's!!!
Yeah, I know she probably didn't buy them herself(just like streetwear kids!) or pick them out(come on..just like streetwear kids. Think about it), but she gets a pass for wearing one of the best recent retro+ colors. Unlike her sister. Who was wearing white/cement Spiz'ikes. Ugh. Sorry no pics. I know, I know, once it became blatantly obvious that I was repeatedly trying to take pictures of his preschool aged daughters their father started straight-eyeing me and I had to back off. Awkward-ness ensued.
BONUS: quote of the week!!!
I'm not really sure who Rob Heppler is and and I'm definitely not clear on what it is he does, but I read his blog and I stumbled onto this gem, courtesy of one of his boys:
"Walking through Portland at night, is like walking thought 1930's Cleveland and you are Robocop!"
Kid has one of the most retardedly funny blogs on all of the internets.
Young Buck and the Outlawz..
Not sure how old this is, but it's supposedly the single from Young Bucks next album, the track features 2pac's friends..The Outlawz, produced by Hi-Tek, hot hot track...Not sure how Young Buck hasn't passed 50 yet...now your feature presentation...
Young Buck Featuring The Outlawz - Driving Down the Freeway
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Shoes again...
So a friend of mine came over earlier. He brought some stuff over that I was shooting for the next issue. It'll drop early May.
He was wearing some beat ass III's.
He also had these. AF25 Low made for the 08 Nawwlins All-Star players. Not a huge AF25 fan but the 3M Laser is pretty hot.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Hooray Care Packages...
Big thanks to Rome @ And1!
L-R (clockwise)
Bobby Jackson Valentine's Day Phantom Sample
Mike James TWolves Transition Sample
Black History Month Franchise Sample
Jordan Pack IV/Onslaught Sample (black toe I's/Cement III's/Cool Grey XI's are NICE)
Steve Blake (damn that man/hot shoe though) Transition Sample
And here's a 5th Element sample...sweeeeet shoe but the Mosaic is releasing instead.
And also a big thanks to Capt. Colin @ Pony
- Nick
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Flying Coffin Summer 2008 sneek peek
Here is a sneak peek at a few graphics from the upcoming Summer 2008 line by pacific NW and Seattle streetwear label Flying Coffin. These guys have put together some amazing new graphics utilizing multi color prints, resulting in some next level effects.
check the lightbulb.
The current spring line will be available soon at flyingcoffin.com

- Mikey
Soulja Boy's Pimple....
This is crazy... Soulja Boy has a huge pimple on the side of his head...
Hollaluya Holla Back!!!!
With the approach of VH1's Ego Trip Miss MC Supreme close to airing, it's only right that John Brown brings the flavor of his Ghetto Revival. All I can say is WOOOOW....
John Brown - Keg Party
Flying Coffin-Summer 08
Here is a sneak peek of the upcoming Summer Line from Seattle's Flying Coffin. Those guys up north are certainly dropping some next level heat with the amazing level of ink used on the graphics.
be on the lookout
you can pick up the New Spring Season at:
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
More Shoes...
'Nother camera phone gem.
Metallic Silver adidas Kobe Three.
Update...here's what Monta Ellis of the Warriors will be wearing to start next season.
And1 Mosaic:
Just got these too.
Reebok Shaq Attaq I.
(Next to my phone for size comparison)
Kanye Voice Over...
This is a funny video from a while back...Some footage of Kanye and Twista from I believe the "Slow Jamz" video shoot, dubbed with a new voice over, it's pretty funny. Enjoy
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Customer of the Week and B.O.P. on blast..
Here he is...Customer of the week. Pay close attention to his awesome haircut as well as his sweet leather racing jacket for which he uses when riding his sweet mountain bike across the street from his home to get Domino's Pizza..Moments earlier he received a phone call on his fiancée's cell phone from her ex-boyfriend. Thank you sir, you made my day.
Then we have our B.O.P. hopefuls from the previous night, combining powers to figure out what to say to a group of lovely young ladies...
Triple OT . . . . . . . . NMSU So Close . . . . . Boise State you suck
My alma mater played in the WAC tournament championship last night . . . With an automatic bid to the big dance on the line . . . They came so close but they ended up Losing in Triple Overtime. I did not get to watch it but the highlighs are great. Check out the link below to see the ESPN highlight video . . . Some clutch 3 point plays.
Unfortunately they will most likely not get an at large bid . . . I guess I'll have to join up with Ira and root for Portland State.
At Least my team in the NBA is still doing Great . . .
Shoes . . .
Finally transferred all of my camera phone pics to my cpu. (holding back the good ones - no hetero)
Found these.
Lebron IV All-Star sans Graffiti.
Lenticular Hyperflight.
- Nick
Friday, March 14, 2008
Stickers came in....
It's that serious...
Designed by JT.
Hit me up if you want some. While supplies last. Nick@SoleCollector.com
Tickets punched!
Congrats to Portland State for heading to the tourney for the first time ever! They almost had it locked up a couple years back with Boxley and crew but got took down in the Big Sky tournament, so that makes this one that much sweeter.
ESPN's Joe Lunardi is calling them a 14 or 15 seed, so at least no play-in. If they end up as 14 seed who knows. At 5-6 Dominguez is gonna have is work cut out for him, but at least he's quick and has a handle.
Oh, and for those keeping score at home:
Oregon 18-13
Oregon State(shudder) 6-24
Portland 9-21
Portland State 23-9
Customer of the week!!!
Do you shop/loiter at Compound in Portland? Do you single-handedly bastardize the word fashion? If you answered yes to either of these questions you very well could be our NEXT CUSTOMER OF THE WEEK!!!
This weeks honor goes to: 16 year old kid wearing a bullet proof vest!
Yes, he's sixteen and yes he's got a bullet proof vest on. You could probably say, "well maybe he needs it".
You can't.
He also had a Spider-man backpack(sorry no pics). When you wear a Spider-man backpack any credence you have effectively goes out the window. I should also point out that it was seventy degrees and sunny and he's wearing a hoodie WITH the hood on. And stunna shades. But I won't, because they don't even measure up to that.
If you shop at Compound and dress terrible, hell even if you don't shop there, and would like to submit yourself(or a friend!) for consideration of customer of the week please send all submissions to thebop6@gmail.com
- Ira
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I was strolling along the PSU Campus two nights ago with a friend, and WE came across a Visual Statement that really helps put in perspective the impact our nation has made in the pursuit of "democracy". It's called the Iraq Body Count Exhibit. I'm sorry for the pictures but I was suprised by this display and in turn was unprepared to photograph it properly (phone pics). You can see more info and pics here http://iraqbodycountexhibit.org/ they have other Oregon University exhibits and a Colorado one too.
- Hokum of ATC
Welcome to New York City
Tuesday : NYC
After leaving Boston...we headed to New York on Tuesday.
First stop: House of Hoops
GREAT spot...the set-up was nice and the workers were all cool. Only problem was the stuff there you can find at ANY Niketown nationwide.
A few changes here and there and this could be a nice spot.
Next we hit up Soho to check out the standard spots. Bape layout was pretty impressive and there was ONE nice hoody outta everything. (Always say 95% sucks/5% is AMAZING)
BBC store was entirely weak. What the hell. They also played N.E.R.D. exclusively in-store.
And of course...it wouldn't be Soho without....
We then hit up Stussy and I got a sweet new jacket...and then headed to 34th to check out the flagship FootLocker and also knock out some meetings upstairs w/ corporate.
Just before leaving we went to dinner at Sylvia's (mmmmm) and I ran into Rice High School.
Unfortunately nobody was slangin black Rice Kobe III's in a 13.
Outside of Sylvia's we saw a murdered out Escalade w/ 'H20' tagging everywhere...Allan Houston is NOT doing it these days.
We lastly went to Baltimore to check in with an anonymous company.
Sorry I didn't get you a shirt Cam...
Downtown was pretty nice and there's definitely some cool buildings.
Then flew out from BMore to Vegas...talked for the whole flight to the coolest girl ever, Destiny from Utah, and then after a layover it was Vegas to Portland. Got in bed at 3:30 AM...ughhh