Sunday, March 9, 2008

Early Verdict : Boston still SUCKS

7:08 AM -- Landed. Hours Minutes of sleep on the overnight flight? Roughly 27.

7:43 AM -- Sully the Thrifty courtesy shuttle driver gives us a lift.

"Did you guys paaahk a caahh or ahhr you a Blue Chip membahh?"

8:26 AM -- We pull into the La Quinta.

First person we see?

A distressed hooker, donning a slinky black dress and heels, crying in the lobby talking to "Big Jesse" on the phone.

"Big Jesse...I have no clue where I am...I need a ride back to downtown. Michelle has all my cash. *cries*"

Welcome to Boston...............

- Nick

1 comment:

THE B.O.P. said...

Sounds like you missed the chance for a cheap 2 for 1. If she had no cash all you would have had to do was to pay enough for her cab home. Boston doesn't suck it's just you don't take the opportunities that it presents you!
