Monday, September 22, 2008

Taste Of Portland...

S a t u r d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 0 , 2 0 0 8
Nothing like a slow Saturday after a harsh Friday.

Waffle Window!

Guess which one is mine?
Flew to Compound to pick up our shoes.

Roses. Allegedly imported from Tokyo.
Japanese lifestyle magazines fail at comedy. Miserably. What the HELL.
I personally don't see tees with 'SEX' making it big...though you never quite know what Off Bowery has up aNY of their sleeves.

9/22 UPDATE: I made this joke before seeing THIS, which Luis posted Monday afternoon. Weeeeeird. God damn that A-Ron is clever afterall. But did it really take Supreme to come up with the 'AND VIOLENCE' part....?
REALLY wanted to attend the Pageant at 8pm. Woulda been a can't-miss guaranteed disaster.
With prizes like these, how could the competition not be amazing?
"This year's Miss White Trash 2009 winner will be receiving a 1972 Dodge 300 Tradesman Commando Class C Camper fully loaded, A Rand McNally Road Atlas, A CB Radio installed, the convened Miss White Trash Trophy, $19.99 cash money, Beauty Supplies, Fabulous Lingerie & Adult Gifts from Cathie's and a whole bunch of other great prizes."

We'll be sure to update you with pictures of the "winner"....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The first and third plates need to be MINE! That's what's up...

"Unfunny" hahaha.
