S u n d a y , N o v e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 0 8THE B.O.P. x Mangatar
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
THE B.O.P. x Noodles!
T u r k e y D a y , N o v e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 0 8
After a tough night of hoops down at 24Hour Fitness, Keith and I have been known to frequently venture off to our favorite stomping grounds - Noodles & Company. As I was waiting for my standard Pad Thai (no carrots or sprouts!), Caesar salad and ciabatta roll, I noticed a card sitting along the table next to us...
It offered a FREE Tasting Tour of the Noodles Menu for "You & 4-6 of your friends." Simply email Erin the manager, figure out a time/date and you're all good to go. Called up JT, Brianna, Ira and Cam and it was time to set things up...
Email sent. Confirmation confirmed. Date set. US = THERE.
Of course Ira is always running late...so Keith made use of the time by catching people in awkward positions.
Moodle Meter -- unnecessary.
Table set.
I don't think I've ever seen Keith order a pop SODA. Always with the water + lemon combo.
Here's Cam probably trying to sound smart and technical. JT makes his thoughts clearly known.
What stylish decor!
Before we knew it...it was time to THROW DOWN. We were treated to 8 regular sized dishes, two huge Salads, free drinks and tons of Rice Krispy treats and cookies. BIG THANKS to the Noodles crew for all of the FREE food!
Chinese Chop Salad!
Mmmm. The Med Salad. Never tried this before but it was DAMN good. Looks like the Caesar Salad will be getting a break.
Mmmmm. Pot stickers.
Japanese Pan Noodles. Amazing.
Penne Rosa. Thanks for the presentation help JT.
Bangkok Curry. This joint was awesome as well.
Here's why Portland is great. Fifty-year-old women wear XXL Dead Serious hoodies. To lunch.
Mine! Mine! Mine!
After we were all filled up and ready to cancel basketball for later that afternoon, Erin the awesome Manager @ Noodles hooked Brianna up with some rubber band play toy type thing for correctly naming every dish we ate and also gave us all some sweet Noodles pens.
She was HYPED. Jt, not so much.
Not sure if that included a smell test or what....
Ira trying to sneak in a WDYWT?
Aha! Mission Accomplished!
And JT goes for some jumping move...
Which I missed...but it apparently involved a 180 twist and perfect plant simultaneously while Cam traded him places. *Just* missed the Olympics guys...
- Nick
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
BLACK FRIDAY: Hecklewood & Tanner
S a t u r d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 0 , 2 0 0 8
Starting this Friday, all Summer /Fall ‘08 product will be marked down from 15-75%. This applies to both the online shop and storefront in Old Town, PDX. Additionally, there will be free shipping on all domestic online/phone orders.
*excludes artwork, consignment sneakers, and KRINK.*
Starting this Friday @ 12:00am PST and running through the weekend, Tanner is offering free shipping on ALL domestic orders. For orders over $125, receive a free Basic Cardholder of your choice [London Tan, Natural, Brown, or Black]. When checking out, be sure to enter your color preference in the NOTES field.
Make sure you’re signed up for the newsletter too, cause there just might be another bonus for subscribers come Black Friday….
another holiday update:
Many might not be aware, but Tanner sifts through hundreds of leather samples each season to hand-pick the best leather for their products. It becomes a daunting process, and many of their favorites don’t make the final cut because of the limited supply available.
These “odd lots” of leather are many times just a couple sides, and can’t be reproduced. They've saved a few of these specific hides to use as online exclusives, and have the first two available now in the online shop.
The first is the London Tan Cardholder, constructed from a well-oiled 5 oz. full grain leather that is a bit thicker than the usual 3 oz leather used in the wallet series. The feel and texture is very similar to the London Tan Standard belt introduced a few weeks back, and it’s easily one of their personal favorites to work with. Only a few hides were secured, so only 75 are available.
The second is the Stone Grey Suede Cardholder, constructed from a mid-weight 4 oz. leather. Using suede is a bit of a departure for Tanner, but texture and color combo on this specific leather was too good to pass up. The only downside is that they could only get their hands on enough to construct 20 cardholders, so the supply is very limited.
-source: Mike Hecklewood
Monday, November 24, 2008
Streetwear Grading System: Obama Tees
S a t u r d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 0 , 2 0 0 8Now that the dust has settled on the presidential election and Barack Obama's Vince Carter-like ascent over the Frederic Weis that is John McCain, we'd like to bring you back to earth from all that "hope" nonsense we've heard spewed about.
Enter Streetwear Grading System: Obama Edition.
Generally, We like to keep it to a one brand maximum, but just about every one of you streetwear brands out there are trying your hardest to bring him down with you.

Ok, you've taken a recent movie poster and barely changed it, I thought that was pretty streetwear. But then I got thinking (via Google), John McCain's face is where Javier Bardems was...John McCain is a psychopathic killer willing to stop at nothing to hunt down Barack and eventually pound an air thing into his head?!? That's NOT streetwear. And that makes Obama the poor disenfranchised soul who stole money without thinking about the repercussions. Way to reinforce sterotypes DISRPT.
Lack of creativity:9
Gaudiness: 7
Cost effectiveness:7
Reappropriation: 9
Overall streetwear scale grade: 8.0/10

Lack of creativity:9.5
Cost effectiveness:9
Reappropriation: 9
Overall streetwear scale grade: 8.875/10

Lack of creativity:8
Cost effectiveness:8
Reappropriation: 9
Overall streetwear scale grade: 8.5/10

Cost effectiveness:8
Reappropriation: 10
Overall streetwear scale grade: 9.25/10 (THE HIGHEST GRADE EVER ACHIEVED IN THE SGS! For that you get a link Sons of Liberty)
The most important election of the Year
M o n d a y, N o v e m b e r 2 4 , 2 0 0 8Did you vote? No . . . did you VOTE & not for that silly presidential thing for the other
West:Guards: Brandon Roy (B. Roy), Who cares. Forwards:LaMarcus Aldridge (L. Aldridge), Who cares. Center: Greg Oden (G. Oden)
East: Stephon Marbury (he's like the A. Walker of '09), Who cares, Who cares, Who cares, Who cares
Also Don't forget to go to the official NBA All STAR 09 site to Write In: Rudy Fernandez.
Feel free to leave a comment with your all star candidates. It would be interesting to see who else is on our readers all star radar . . .
With any luck at least B Roy will make it two years in a row and will be joined for part of the weekend by rookies Rudy & Greg. Remember you can vote once a day . . . Let's swing the vote!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Busrider of The Week: "Superman" Edition
S a t u r d a y , N o v e m b e r 2 2 , 2 0 0 8Sorry for the delay. It's been a minute since a post but we coming back strong!!!
I was on the bus, of course. I saw this dude rocking some Lebron VIs I haven't seen before so I had to take a pic for you.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Quarter Pounder Restaurant
S a t u r d a y , N o v e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 0 8So, McDonald's has created a restaurant in Tokyo that is minus all the frills and gimmicks, well, it has a different gimmick. The Quarter Pounder restaurant has just that, as they offer two things on the menu, a Quarter Pounder w/cheese meal and a double Quarter Pounder w/cheese meal. The branding is very minuscule and has a black and red exterior, interior and packaging for simplicity. The price is about $5.15 and $6.18 depending on the strength of the Yen.
Japan is all about cool and McDonald's is jumping on that with a unique attempt to reach those "fresh" 20 something Japanese trendsetters. Everybody knows right now, what's selling is limited offerings and well you can't get any more limited when you only have two options. They also have viral campaigning to go along with this website.
Personally I think McDonald's should take it to the next level and only offer a certain number of each meal a day, now that would make it truly cool! Of course you start out by offering a really low number of each so lines start to form and hype is built over the event. Eventually you start to expand the number but always keep it low enough that you sell out and those late customers have to try again, and they will. We all want something we can't have right?
via: inventor spot