Monday, November 24, 2008

Streetwear Grading System: Obama Tees

S a t u r d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 0 , 2 0 0 8
Now that the dust has settled on the presidential election and Barack Obama's Vince Carter-like ascent over the Frederic Weis that is John McCain, we'd like to bring you back to earth from all that "hope" nonsense we've heard spewed about.

Enter Streetwear Grading System: Obama Edition.

Generally, We like to keep it to a one brand maximum, but just about every one of you streetwear brands out there are trying your hardest to bring him down with you.

'Old Man' by DISRPT

Align Center
Ok, you've taken a recent movie poster and barely changed it, I thought that was pretty streetwear. But then I got thinking (via Google), John McCain's face is where Javier Bardems was...John McCain is a psychopathic killer willing to stop at nothing to hunt down Barack and eventually pound an air thing into his head?!? That's NOT streetwear. And that makes Obama the poor disenfranchised soul who stole money without thinking about the repercussions. Way to reinforce sterotypes DISRPT.

Lack of creativity:9
Gaudiness: 7
Cost effectiveness:7
Reappropriation: 9
Overall streetwear scale grade: 8.0/10

'Balling with Barack '08' by Akomplice

I know, I know at first you think pretty cool, it's Punahou's team but Baracks got an MS painted crown on! BUT WAIT! Kanye and Jigga just made the squad! Yes my friends, streetwears holy trinity has made their first appearance together on a tee!!! Sadly, Beanie Siegel will continue to swing JV this year...

Lack of creativity:9.5
Cost effectiveness:9
Reappropriation: 9
Overall streetwear scale grade: 8.875/10

'Obama V. Machine' by Hoodman

This is call out to everyone of us out there. He can't do it alone, I know it really resonates when the president-elect is being blasted to death with a laser from the capitol. And look! His papers marked "Change" and "Hope" are falling to the ground. This is a catastrophe! I just noticed this is reappropriation of an X-men cover, way to equate african Americans with mutants Eddie Huang's "Hood Man".

Lack of creativity:8
Cost effectiveness:8
Reappropriation: 9
Overall streetwear scale grade: 8.5/10

'Obama is McFly' by Sons of Liberty

This is streetwear. If you're one of the many Google searchers who find your way here by looking for porn (no Oregon Theater directions here SAD FACE), take only this away from your trip: this is what streetwear is about. Iconic movie. CHECK (double points for Back to the Future!). Barack Obama. CHECK. Gaudy wording. CHECK. Reappropriation. CHECK.

Lack of creativity:10
Cost effectiveness:8
Reappropriation: 10
Overall streetwear scale grade: 9.25/10 (THE HIGHEST GRADE EVER ACHIEVED IN THE SGS! For that you get a link Sons of Liberty)


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