Friday, November 7, 2008

Supporting Our Local Party!!!

F r i d a y , N o v e m b e r 7 , 2 0 0 8
I thought we would have received this honor from PAPER, but I guess they didn't recognize us. Oh well, our friends at THE FIX got noticed and that's good enough for us. Help these guys get that top spot!!!

"After such an amazing victory on tuesday night electing PRESIDENT OBAMA!!! and hopefully banishing that Palin character back to the tundra...

THE FIX could use just a little bit of that voting power. We've just been nominated as one of the top 10 parties in America (FUCK YEA!) by PAPER MAGAZINE.

What a week! Our competition is tough going up against nights such as Dim Mak in LA and Social Club in the Chi. Though we've got much love for the other nominees, WE NEED PORTLAND TO REPRESENT!!!

FOLLOW THE LINK (you can vote twice, or even ten times!)

tell your friends"


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