S a t u r d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 0 , 2 0 0 8The B.OP. headed up to the real 'couv (it's like The Real OC, get it?) to check out life north of the border in a weekend full of shoppery and debauchery. Great stores, shitty streetwear (oh what shitty streetwear!), nice people and an awesome city. All in all two nights was not NEARLY enough time for B.C.
Dec. 12th Major League Douchebag news: 2B Brynelson, 1B Depaula, P Kunis, DH LaFontaine, SS Stanke have been called up to the majors!
CF Taylor will remain in Triple A Beverton.
Take note: Crown is 2 for 25 (1.14 liters!) at the Duty Free store on the way in, but not on the way out.
Silliness was most certainly gotten. Oh, yes it was gotten.
Shout outs to Hannah of Jemannah for the incredible Birthday Brownie Cupcakes. Editors Note: THEY ARE AMAZING!
Someone please tell me what rap album this reminds me of? Please!?
Shout out to the DJ P Love for the hook on entry and to Republic for the amazingly overpriced drinks. Quite a venerable establishment.
Shop, shop, shop!
Decisions to be made at Alife.
DJ Dane poses for the cover of his upcoming Gangsta Grillz release.
Though exclusionary to losers, Goodfoot was one of the nicest spots we visited.
It surprised the others when they saw this monumental Christmas display, it surprised me to learn that Canadians celebrated Christmas.
Cam Ponders what it would be like to be a Inspector Gadget super villain.
Bling bling
Everytime I come around yo' city
Bling bling
Pinky ring worth about 50 (cents)
Bling bling
After an unsuccessful bout at trying to find a barber at 7pm on a Saturday, I handed my head over to Dane, although I did find the establishments BRB and FTL directly across from each other (SAD FACE).
After I got me hair cut Andres Nocioni wanted in on the deal.
Let it be known that this is not a rather portly man, but Dane in mid-snowball throw.
Is that a snow ball the explodes into three separate snow balls to hit three separate targets?!? GENIUS!!!
We have fans eeeeeverywhere.
The man behind the camera taking a picture of his twin brother who is also taking a picture of him! AMAZING!!!
Play by Play--Ira
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