S a t u r d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 0 8If you know me, you know I do not like flying at all, which makes it strange that I am loving this new product. While I don't love flying, I love the idea and execution of flying aircraft. It baffles my mind that we have created machines that can take to the skies and even space. I think actually flying a plane myself may help me deal with the whole flying issue, and maybe this Icon A5 could help me do just that.
The Icon A5 is essentially a jet-ski for the sky. It is a personal aircraft currently undergoing test flights. It has a scheduled production delivery of late '10 for an estimated price of $139,000. Comparatively speaking, that is cheap for an airplane. It looks like the A5 is poised to become the new toy of the rich crowd that loves their Lamborghinis and yachts.
I love how it borrows some design elements from cars, like the headlights and opening windows, so you can feel the air. the instrument panel looks a lot like a car's dashboard.
Thanks, wired.com for the story. Follow the link for the full article.

In all seriousness...there's no way that thing is all that smooth. I feel like we'd just continually be reading about zany billionaires who had accidental crashes.
Planes are like burritos...THE BIGGER THE BETTER.
^ haha burritos are good.
but seriously ROBO-COPPED!!!
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