W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 1 , 2 0 0 9

It is all entirely possible that we could see a MLS Portland team by 2011. Paulson, the owner of the Timbers, is apparently trying to make it as painless to the taxpayers as possible and believes this is a risk worth taking. You can read the story here.
If it goes through it means updates on PGE park to make it a full on Soccer stadium and a new Beavers Baseball Field. That will change up the whole Thirsty Thursday dynamic. You can't help but love drinking until you shouldn't drive and then walk right outside of PGE and step onto a Max train. It was so simple to not get a DUI.
We'll have to wait and see, but the Soccer bloggers are saying with the addition of MLS in Seattle this year the two front runners for 2011 are Vancouver B.C. and Portland, which would create a desired NW rivalry.
1 comment:
I'm happy to say I would have ZERO interest in this.
I paid more attention to the Sacramento River Rats while growing up.
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