Friday, April 24, 2009

Portland Mercury: 5th Annual Fashion Show

F r i d a y , A p r i l 2 4 , 2 0 0 9
In just two days you will be able to flaunt your artistic rhetoric amongst those who think they are just as important as you think you are.


Brought to you by the PORTLAND MERCURY!



Phoenix, Arizona said...

Please stop trying to steal our WNBA team.

Anonymous said...

what the hell, i sent out the press release to you guys about this THREE WEEKS AGO. thanks NICK for hollering about it sooner. anyway, you guys should come tomorrow - I'll be there all day helping out marjorie.

good job keith for hollering.

-molly "the intern"

Anonymous said...


they always put stuff like this up the day before it happens

most of the time people lose track of this stuff if it goes up a month early