Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Weird Things I Kinda Want (and You Should, Too)

T u e s d a y , E l e c t i o n D a y , 2 0 0 8

Swany G-Cell Gloves

With the onset of winter, I thought these would be appropriate. At first glance, these look like any other skiing/snowboarding gloves, but look again and you'll notice the familiar send/end buttons from that oh so ubiquitous cell phone that is undoubtedly near you right now. Why? You ask. Well, it's simple. When you're hitting the slopes, and for some reason you need to make or receive a phone call, you can, without having to fumble around for your phone or get it out into the freezing weather. The gloves use Bluetooth connectivity to connect to your phone allowing you to make the classic phone hand gesture and actually be on the phone! Fun, I know!

The price, $495

via dvice



Anonymous said...

sweet I was waiting for a new one of these from. No joke I was going to ask today about it.

Anonymous said...

i would never wish upon anyone a sudden collision into a tree while on the slopes...until now...

Anonymous said...

The guy that needs to get a phone call while riding should stay in the city. this product is for posers!