Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Weird Things I Kinda Want (and You Should, Too)

W e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 3 , 2 0 0 8
In honor of our Repeal Day celebration, I thought I would introduce you to a couple of sweet party items. Up first: The officially licensed Guinness Bottle Opener hat. That's right, two of the All-American frat boy's favorite items have joined forces to create the ultimate beer drinker's friend. It just seems that having a piece of metal that close to your eye is going to cause a problem somewhere, somehow. Especially since it is related to having it that close to your eye and being DRUNK.

Next up is the ultimate 80's memorabilia: A Boom Box Watch. Apparently inspired by the days of carrying those huge boomboxes on your shoulder, like you used to do, you street break-dancer, you. I like some cool/strange watches, so this intrigued me at first. That is, until I found out that it didn't work as a boom box at all. It only looks like one. It would still be fun to have, especially in tandem with the hat. If nothing else, it would start some fun conversation.

via dvice


Dane said...

Watch should atleast have an FM

Anonymous said...

How could you not mention that the hat was a TRUCKER? That is new levels of douchebaggery.

That watch should also *definitely* have a FM radio. If a pair of DADAs w/ a boombox on 'em can ACTUALLY play music...then that watch is entirely a let-down.

Anonymous said...

FlUD: a KarmaLoop Joint