Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Quarter Pounder Restaurant

S a t u r d a y , N o v e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 0 8
So, McDonald's has created a restaurant in Tokyo that is minus all the frills and gimmicks, well, it has a different gimmick. The Quarter Pounder restaurant has just that, as they offer two things on the menu, a Quarter Pounder w/cheese meal and a double Quarter Pounder w/cheese meal. The branding is very minuscule and has a black and red exterior, interior and packaging for simplicity. The price is about $5.15 and $6.18 depending on the strength of the Yen.

Japan is all about cool and McDonald's is jumping on that with a unique attempt to reach those "fresh" 20 something Japanese trendsetters. Everybody knows right now, what's selling is limited offerings and well you can't get any more limited when you only have two options. They also have viral campaigning to go along with this website.

Personally I think McDonald's should take it to the next level and only offer a certain number of each meal a day, now that would make it truly cool! Of course you start out by offering a really low number of each so lines start to form and hype is built over the event. Eventually you start to expand the number but always keep it low enough that you sell out and those late customers have to try again, and they will. We all want something we can't have right?


via: inventor spot


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Problem: It's STILL a fucking Quarter Pounder that the normal McDonald's also carries.

They shoulda launched a brand new burger (Wishful thinking...Arch Deluxe Retro+!) and built the hype around that rather than a pre-exisiting joint that is still readily available elsewhere....

Meanwhile...somewhere in a seedy apartment...bobbyhundreds is feeling storefront swaggerjacked....