Thursday, January 29, 2009

Weird Things I Kinda Want (and You Should, Too)

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It is the middle of winter here in Portland, so I thought I would give everyone a little summer fun pick-me-up. Here it is, the water jet pack. I think the video will explain everything.

Oh, and you go ahead and bring your water guns. I don't think it will matter anymore.

Amazing New Water-Powered Jet Pack - Watch more Free Videos

Thanks gizmodo and dvice.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009


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My dreams have finally come true! I never thought this day would come. The maker of some of my favorite toys Playmates is retroing the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Action Figures. The packaging includes the OG artwork, weapons, figures and a bonus DVD that includes an original episode of the TMNT cartoon. Thank god in heaven, now only if they come out with the the T.V. Series FreakyLinks on DVD my youth will be salvaged.


via: Daily Drop


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

FIRST THURSDAY: February - Hecklewood

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You know we are probably gonna be there for this amazing MASH-UP!

Our next First Thursday event is a little over a week away [February 5th], and we’re doing something a little different this time around. Over the past few months we’ve settled nicely into our new spot in Portland’s Old Town / Chinatown district, and thought it only fitting we pay tribute to one of the most influential Hong Kong Cinema flicks ever: Enter The Dragon.
Bruce Lee’s untimely passing happened only one week prior to the film being released, but the stylings, supporting cast, and Bruce Lee’s legacy has gained notoriety over the 35 years since its completion. Enter The Dragon went on to influence a generation of Kung-Fu filmakers, spawned an entire genre of Blaxploitation Kung-Fu films starring Jim Kelly [who made his first appearance in Dragon], and was one of the inspirations for Tarantino’s Kill Bill trilogy.
We’re screening the movie with our own soundtrack full of raw, dirty, 70’s funk from my own collection of 45s - a sound that was synonymous with Jim Kelly’s Kung-Fu flicks.

A sort of audio/visual exhibition….complete with our usual fridge full of Pabst. Hope you can make it.


-The B.O.P.

As Soon As It Was Here, It Was Gone

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The snow came back this morning in a major way. I woke up and was amazed and thought to myself, OH NO, not this again! It looks like it won't stick around this time though. Safe travels from THE B.O.P.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lil' Bama aka. B. Pain

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Release Date and New Single From Lil' Wayne's The Rebirth

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"Despite early reports of Lil Wayne re-releasing Tha Carter III with all new songs; Wayne's rep has now told MTV that his upcoming release has nothing to do with his multi-platinum 2008 release or any of his previous hip hop efforts.

April 7 marks the day that Lil Wayne will unleash his latest effort. A rock album entitled Rebirth.

According to MTV, the first single, "Prom Queen," will debut on the internet after a live stream of his concert in San Diego on January 27. Fans wanting to view the stream can visit to watch."

That brings us to today, in which the new single from Wayne's album has leaked. You can find it here, but grab it quick before the record labels have it taken down.

Lil Wayne - Prom Queen


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Daily Surroundings: Murk City Edition

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images-Keith, Mikey

Friday, January 23, 2009

If NBA Jam Dunks Were Real

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A Double Alley-Oop

The Stepladder Dunk


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inaugural Celebrations!!!

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images_Keith, Nick, Hannah, Molly

Great or Greatest : Coldplay's New Video

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Coldplay just dropped a video for 'Life In Technicolor,' and creepy is about the only way to describe it. While the song off the album sans vocals is MUCH preferred and a great driving song, this version isn't all that great. Judging by the kids' reaction, they think it blows too.

Also, shout out to the dad @ 3:30 mouthing "Fuck yeah."


Weird Things I Kinda Want (and You Should, Too)

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So, I am officially on the house hunt now. My girlfriend and I have seen many houses, upwards of 20, over the last two weekends. We were getting tired of being disappointed until we stumbled upon a really cool one last Sunday night. Why do I bring this up? Well, it leads directly to the subject of my post for the day. Since we are hoping to move into a house soon, I have been browsing the vast inter-web for fun additions to a new home. I have been looking at things like lights, fans, dining tables, etc. last night I stumbled across the most interesting ceiling fan I have ever seen. The idea makes sense, but I have never seen one before, so I have no idea how well it works.

For $449.99, you can have this:

The Minka Aire Gyro


Thanks LampsPlus


Happy Inauguration Day

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You did it. Each and every one of you, you really did it. Every one of you who voted for Barack Obama are responsible for this and everything like it.


This is the change you can believe in. And don't think this is it, either. With the security of Barack being in office, there's much more to come. Greater numbers and greater productions runs. Hell, here at the B.O.P. bullpen we argued over having a 'Dem is Fire' tab or a 'Dem is Obama'. So every time you feel alive when you think about change. Think about what you've done. Think about the Obama tees that are now going to be Obama brands. Do you feel the sadness? I feel it. It's not going to leave either. You can believe in that.


I'm glad I only voted for Rudy. I like a good train wreck.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Daily Surroundings: Mr. Boober Edition

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