Tuesday, January 27, 2009

FIRST THURSDAY: February - Hecklewood

T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 7 , 2 0 0 9

You know we are probably gonna be there for this amazing MASH-UP!

Our next First Thursday event is a little over a week away [February 5th], and we’re doing something a little different this time around. Over the past few months we’ve settled nicely into our new spot in Portland’s Old Town / Chinatown district, and thought it only fitting we pay tribute to one of the most influential Hong Kong Cinema flicks ever: Enter The Dragon.
Bruce Lee’s untimely passing happened only one week prior to the film being released, but the stylings, supporting cast, and Bruce Lee’s legacy has gained notoriety over the 35 years since its completion. Enter The Dragon went on to influence a generation of Kung-Fu filmakers, spawned an entire genre of Blaxploitation Kung-Fu films starring Jim Kelly [who made his first appearance in Dragon], and was one of the inspirations for Tarantino’s Kill Bill trilogy.
We’re screening the movie with our own soundtrack full of raw, dirty, 70’s funk from my own collection of 45s - a sound that was synonymous with Jim Kelly’s Kung-Fu flicks.

A sort of audio/visual exhibition….complete with our usual fridge full of Pabst. Hope you can make it.


-The B.O.P.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is there not art?

Anonymous said...

Ohhh mah GAWD! Do you realize how esteemed da Chinese people hold dragond in dere culture!!! Dis is so racial insensitive I wan to throw up!!!