Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Could This be the Beginning of the Future? (Finally)

T u e s d a y , J u n e 2 , 2 0 0 9
Gamers and non-gamers rejoice! E3, which is an electronics preview conference type of get-together, kicked of yesterday in LA. Microsoft came out swinging, unveiling what they are calling Project Natal. With this revolutionary system, YOU are the controller. It's motion based gaming control, like the Wii, but YOU ARE THE CONTROLLER! That's right, nothing to hold in your hands or buttons to push. You get to just jump around and flap your appendages like crazy. If this thing works, I am definitely in.

Here is a promo video:

Here is a demo video:

No word on price or release date yet.
Thanks to Dvice


1 comment:

Mannie Freshest said...

easily the collest shit ever! THIS is what I've dreamed of since I played the original Street Fighter that had the pads you actually punched. I dont even like video games, but I'd buy somethin like this