Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cam Unleashes His Political Views on TV!

T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 3 0 , 2 0 0 8
So Cam, Ira and I were around Hawthorne last night when we ran into a news crew. Cam asked them their business on Hawthorne, and they stated that they were getting responses on President Obama's advertising campaign, marketing strategy...etc. Specifically they wanted the public's thoughts on his 30 minute commercial and Cam being the political bulldog that he is grabbed at the mic, immediately denied by the reporter who alerted him that he holds the mic during the interviews.

Cam was not discouraged and answered all questions thrown at him, letting the reporter and the public know that with McCain taking aim at a Myspace campaign he sees no issue or problem with Obama's 30 minute special and feels that both candidates have missed the opportunity to capitalize on a successful viral campaign by barely partaking in that outlet.

-check for Cam's response in comments if I've covered the events inaccurately.




Anonymous said...


Considering Cam decided his vote 10 months ago when he found out Barack hoops every other morning with some staffers...this should be a GREAT interview.

(For those keeping score at home -- that IS a good enough reason in this election.)

Anonymous said...

When and where can I see this.

Anonymous said...

Overall good explaniation Kieth. I was mad he would not let me hold the mic though. I was a lil ricky bobby and did not know what to do with my hands with out the mic to hold. I guess pockets are as good a place to keep em.

Anonymous said...

And yes basketball is life . . . and enough reason to VOTE, im just waiting for the bowling alley in the white house to be torn down and the indoor court put up.