Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Good Kind of Hectic....

T h u r s d a y , M a y 2 1 , 2 0 0 9
I guess you could say it's been a quiet week here. It's been pretty hectic for most of us -- but the good kind of hectic. The busy kind. (Mixed a bit with the relaxing kind too.)

Cam is off in New Mexico shooting up armadillos or some shit. With Yeezys on...

JT has been busy getting his new house all tricked out, keepin' at it with the sketches and rooting Melo along...

Dane is living the dream and closing out yet another term...

I just wrapped up another issue for SC that should be droppin the first week of June, and I'm happily getting back into the groove of knocking out some reviews for the web too. Don't say I didn't warn you when you see the Subscriber's cover...

And Keith and Ira are busy prepping for their live custom showcase all weekend long down at the adidas Originals store here in Portland. Taking place on Saturday & Sunday at the 10th & Couch St location, the fellas will be puttin' in work from 2-7 PM for your viewing pleasure. Be sure to check out the craft and skill up close and in person.


And after putting in some work all week long, we'll be headed down to San Francisco for a few days to enjoy ourselves...'nothin like the Bay.

- Nick


kyx said...

jeez way to involve me and rk

Cam said...

Shootin up shit, wild wild west, that and dane smokin his life away had me rolling!

Mannie Freshest said...

2-7 10th and Couch...see you there!