Friday, December 26, 2008

Weird Things I Kinda Want (and You Should, Too)

F r i d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 6 , 2 0 0 8

Porsche Sled
With all the winter weather going on across the United States right now, especially here in Portland, where we have seen the most snow for December EVER, I decided to keep this in the winter theme. So I am presenting to you my two favorite sleds EVER. The first is the sled you see above, the Porsche sled. Yes, the same Porsche that makes such great cars as the 911, Cayman, Boxster, Cayenne, and the soon to come Panamera. The sled is Uber-slick and stylish. It has a great design which looks very classy and is functional. The legs fold up allowing you to stow it in your Cayenne with no trouble at all. It can be yours for $490. I would love to try this out.

But, probably not as much as I would love to try out this next mode of snowy transportation.

The Slegoon

This thing looks fast, fun, and safe. This would probably be enough to get me out to Mt. Hood as much as I should be going. You wouldn't even have to worry about running into anything with that roll cage around you. The roll cage also acts as extra runners so you can keep flying down the hill even if you get flipped upside down. When most people would be stopped or flailing around, you are still shredding the slopes. Just look at that racing bucket seat. Everything seems fast on this baby.

Porsche sled via dvice
Slegoon from the design blog

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