Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Manliest City I Know!

W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 1 , 2 0 0 9
Okay, it's not Portland. Recently a poll from Business Week described us as being the "Unhappiest" City in the country. What kind of shit is that? Now we are at the bottom rung of "Manliest" Cities. We have been ranked the 47th "Manliest" City out of 50. The poll comes from Sperling's Best Places. Nashville tops the list that uses factors such as the number of Sports Teams (c'mon MLS,) hardware stores, and monster truck rallies...etc. This is preposterous.

Might I remind you people that my native Portland is home to a syndicate of Strip Joints. I'm sorry but that is much more manly than your monster truck rallies. We have more Strip Clubs per capita than any other city in the United States, probably world. I know that this year Springfield, also located in Oregon, was pushing for that title but they are too small to matter. Although I must give Springfield its proverbial props. Seven strip clubs in a town of 58,000, that's 12 per 100,000. Seattle is ranked number 40 on the "Manliest" list and yet in 2006 only had four strip clubs. 1,2,3,4


Source: Biz Journal



Anonymous said...

hardware stores > strip joints


Anonymous said...

Seattle, I'm sorry. You don't even have the Supersonics.

Harsh blow I know. Don't mind me I had a lot to drink before this statement!