Friday, March 27, 2009

The Scale Of Suck....

F r i d a y , M a r c h 2 7 , 2 0 0 9
Rather than entirely desecrate the holy scripture that is Ira's beloved Streetwear Grading System by hereby unraveling all of the equity that the aforementioned author has built into the highly anticipated SGS by way of a pseudo-imposter column......

I'll let you be the judge.

Rate this hot garbage from 1-10 on The Scale Of Suck.


I personally like the surely unintended 'Chris Brown Bitch' that any pedestrian would read upon first glance from across the street.

I was gonna go with an 8 initially.....but the fact that the tee doesn't match any notable sneaker release for the next three months obviously bumps it up to a 9.

Shouts to Satchel for the call out.



Chris said...

dis shit a 7

Rihanna said...

A 7 come on get the
hella . . .
ella . . .
ella . . .
ehh . . .
out of here it's a 10!

Anonymous said...

9 is right

Rock The Burrito said...

Domestic Violence is the shit