Monday, March 30, 2009

REEL WORLD: Where The Wild Things Are

M o n d a y , M a r c h 3 0 , 2 0 0 9
This was one of my all time favorite books when I was just a young lad. I'd align it right next to The Polar Express. I can't say I was too thrilled to see the Big Screen adaptation of The Polar Express but I am excited to see this film brought to us by director extraordinaire Spike Jonze, the guy who helm'ed a countless number of Music Videos we have grown to love over the last decade and a half. He has also done feature work like Being John Malkovich and Adaptation. Two great movies with Oscar nods. Finally, he brings us a piece of Cinema a number of us have been patiently waiting for since we heard about it's pre-production in 2005.

In 2003 he did one of my favorite Docs on FAT LIP from Pharcyde. It's insightful and funny as shit at times. He did the doc while filming one of the funniest music videos ever, What's Up Fat Lip (one of my top ten favorite songs too.)


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