Friday, March 14, 2008

Customer of the week!!!

Do you shop/loiter at Compound in Portland? Do you single-handedly bastardize the word fashion? If you answered yes to either of these questions you very well could be our NEXT CUSTOMER OF THE WEEK!!!

This weeks honor goes to: 16 year old kid wearing a bullet proof vest!

Yes, he's sixteen and yes he's got a bullet proof vest on. You could probably say, "well maybe he needs it".


You can't.

He also had a Spider-man backpack(sorry no pics). When you wear a Spider-man backpack any credence you have effectively goes out the window. I should also point out that it was seventy degrees and sunny and he's wearing a hoodie WITH the hood on. And stunna shades. But I won't, because they don't even measure up to that.

If you shop at Compound and dress terrible, hell even if you don't shop there, and would like to submit yourself(or a friend!) for consideration of customer of the week please send all submissions to

- Ira

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